Classified thumbnail
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9a Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Dr. Best thumbnail
Dr. Best
8c+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Kate Moss thumbnail
Kate Moss
8c+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Des Mos thumbnail
Des Mos
8b+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Orbit thumbnail
8b Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Snatch away thumbnail
Max & Moritz thumbnail
Apollofalter thumbnail
Gran Torino thumbnail
Hänsel ohne Gretel thumbnail
Nikita thumbnail
8a+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
No topo image available
8a+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Red Skies over Paradise thumbnail
Plastikfieber thumbnail
Casablanca thumbnail
Lancelot thumbnail
8a Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Highlander thumbnail
Twinheaded monster child thumbnail
Tripple eyed zombie cat thumbnail
Kinderriegel thumbnail
Mulholland Drive thumbnail
Jazz oder nie thumbnail
L'eau rage thumbnail
L'eau rage
7c+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Fliegende Spaghettimonster thumbnail
Der wüste Plan thumbnail
Poser thumbnail
Zuschauer S thumbnail
Milchstraße thumbnail
Blowjob thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
JJ One thumbnail
JJ One
7c+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Footloose thumbnail
7c+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Inception thumbnail
Kraft Klub thumbnail
Einstürzende Neubauten thumbnail
Never bolt alone thumbnail
Back to the beginning direct thumbnail
Nimué thumbnail
7c Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Seeed thumbnail
7c Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Global Beats thumbnail
Göttlicher Dancer thumbnail
Eisblümchen thumbnail
Mephisto thumbnail
Fotokante thumbnail
Handy Dust thumbnail
Obermacker thumbnail
Salinas thumbnail
Nutzlos thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Coppa Banana thumbnail
Kipper Highway thumbnail
Kipper Highway
7b+ Sport at Luisenwand
R4 thumbnail
7b+ Partially bolted at Luisenwand
Mambo Cavallero thumbnail
Schleifentrick thumbnail
Vajoletweg thumbnail
Ojo Abelles thumbnail
Höhlenweg thumbnail
Hang Loose thumbnail
Cadavedo thumbnail
Xago thumbnail
Der unmenschliche Polsterer thumbnail
Ostwand thumbnail
7a+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Äai wat iss? thumbnail
Orbit ohne Zucker thumbnail
Back to the beginning thumbnail
Holzgauer Weg direkt thumbnail
Herr Aber & Herr Aber thumbnail
Dülferriss thumbnail
Macker thumbnail
Bauernschmitt direkt thumbnail
Bottom Turn thumbnail
Very little green man thumbnail
Painful Edge thumbnail
Painful Edge
7a Sport at Luisenwand
Für Corinna thumbnail
Für Corinna
7a Sport at Luisenwand
Jetzt thumbnail
Für Charles Mingus thumbnail
Gundis Wunsch thumbnail
Reise zum Regenbogen thumbnail
Höhlenweg thumbnail
Para las piltrafillas de Asturias thumbnail
Safety Susi thumbnail
Balkan Surfing thumbnail
Geizmichel thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Luisenwand
Prahler thumbnail
Henkel Geplänkel thumbnail
Adios a la Passada thumbnail
Krise thumbnail
Angst im Nacken thumbnail
Igelweg thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Kurzer Bums thumbnail
Kurzer Bums
6b+ Sport at Luisenwand
Girglweg thumbnail
Cross Roads thumbnail
Pachtner Gedenkweg thumbnail
Trane thumbnail
Gasp thumbnail
Platte thumbnail
6b Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Golem thumbnail
6b Sport at Holzgauer Wand
Direkter Pfeiler thumbnail
Direkter Pfeiler
6b Partially bolted at Luisenwand
Digdagdur thumbnail
Punching Judy thumbnail
Dohlenweg direkt thumbnail
Kleinziegenfeld Süd 2 - Altes Schloss

Climbing has been limited!

⛔️ 🦉
The left part of "Holzgauer Wand" is closed from 01.02 until 30.06 because of breeding birds.

"Kleinziegenfelder Tal" is quite fast accessible from the Motorway A70 between Bamberg and Bayreuth. Leave the motorway towards Burgkunstadt and follow the signs to Stadelhofen/ Burgkunstadt/ Weismain, then turn left towards "Kleinziegenfeld". You will pass the Valley automatically. Parking is on the left 1.3 km after you've left the village "Kleinziegenfeld"


🧗‍♀️ Hammerschmiedturm:
Go back the street towards "Kleinziegenfeld" for 350 meters. There's a small path leading up to the visible tower to your right.

Take the foot path up the hill passing the boulder with the plate. Go up the gully, the crag is to your left then.

🧗‍♀️Holzgauerwand right and central:
Take the foot path up the hill passing the boulder with the plate and turn left after about 35 meters. The crag is already visible.

🧗‍♀️Toni Schmid Gedenkwand / Bauernschmitt Gedenkwand / Holzgauerwand left:
Go back the street towards "Kleinziegenfeld" for about 240 meters until you see a path to your right leading up the bank. Follow that trail and you'll reach the sectors soon.