Neighbourhood Sit thumbnail
Livelihood Sit thumbnail
Enkemageren sit start thumbnail
Enkemageren thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Stora blocket
Livelihood thumbnail
8A Boulder at Stora blocket
Neighbourhood thumbnail
Hvadavec thumbnail
8A Boulder at Stora blocket
Stikker hjemmefra thumbnail
Avec thumbnail
7C Boulder at Stora blocket
Twitter thumbnail
7C Boulder at Grövlet
Swedbank is completely different thumbnail
Ly under døde træer thumbnail
Moosebumbs thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Moosebumbs
Fake Fogger thumbnail
Fake Fogger
7B+ Boulder at Shark Fin
En begrænset svingom thumbnail
Real Frogger thumbnail
Real Frogger
7A Boulder at Shark Fin
Sega björkar thumbnail
Sega björkar
7A Boulder at Hörne Norr
Tweet thumbnail
7A Boulder at Grövlet
Alien puppa thumbnail
Alien puppa
6C Boulder at Hörne Norr
Back of the hand thumbnail
Stensikkert thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Stora blocket
Skinny dipping in lava thumbnail
Bees in the trap thumbnail
Super slab thumbnail
Super slab
6B Boulder at The other half
Lemon squeezy thumbnail
Riket thumbnail
6B Boulder at Lille grottan
Real sogger thumbnail
Real sogger
6A+ Boulder at Shark Fin
Sophies Slab thumbnail
Sophies Slab
6A+ Boulder at Det lille slab
Inga vader kvar thumbnail
Pusher thumbnail
6A Boulder at Lille grottan
Djupa Dennis Korvkalas thumbnail
Trollet thumbnail
6A Boulder at Stora blocket
Rabble-rouser thumbnail
Super slab arete thumbnail
Leave No Trace thumbnail
Guppy thumbnail
5 Boulder at Neighbourhood
Lille myra thumbnail
Lille myra
4+ Boulder at Lille myra
Det är klart du får en hund thumbnail
Veckans vulkan thumbnail
Magic mint thumbnail
Magic mint
4+ Boulder at Neighbourhood
Boulder problem #4 thumbnail
 Petite paroi problem #1 thumbnail
 Petite paroi problem #2 thumbnail
Samma visa upp som ner thumbnail
Myre thumbnail
3 Boulder at Lille myra

The area is access sensitive!

Finsjö is just a few minutes drive north west of Fliseryd and ~20-25 minutes drive from Oskarshamn and Mönsterås.

🚐 From Mönsterås: Take road 641 "Fliserydsvägen". When reaching Fliseryd follow the road signs towards Finsjö (turn left directly after crossing Emån).

🚐 From Oskarshamn: Drive E22 south and follow the signage towards Fliseryd. After reaching Fliseryd follow the signage towards Finsjö (turn right before Emån).

🚐 In Finsjö:
* To reach the main area drive through Finsjö using Finsjövägen and turn left to Stationsvägen where there is a bridge crossing Emån. Then keep right onto Örlidsvägen. Follow this small road until your do a left turn to the even smaller Gagnslösavägen which you follow to the parkings (see map).
* To reach Hörnegöl follow Finsjövägen through Finsjö and do a left turn towards Baronhultet. About 280 meters after the turn there is a parking on the right hand side of the road (marked on the map).

Parkings 🅿️, the forest road 🚐 and approach paths 🚶🏾‍♀️‍ are marked on the map 🗺️.

The boulders are located close to settlements. Locals are using the area for recreation and for hunting. There are also lots of forestry in the area. Don't block any roads, drive slowly and park only on the marked places. Keep low profile and take care of the nature.

To prevent access issues please:
• Follow "Allemansrätten".
• Be very careful to not hurt trees, tree plants or other sensitive vegetation.
• Drive carefully and park where you don't block access for other vehicles.
• Do not litter.
• Keep a low profile.
• Remove tick marks and excessive chalk on holds.
• Be observant of any hunting in the area. If there is hunting going on then do not climb. Avoid the area during the first week(s) of elk hunting season which starts October 8.