No special access issues
Park on either of the parkings. Remember to use the park disc. From the parking head up to the hill side in the direction south west and stay on the obvious wide path, after about 100m the path goes a ... Read more
We like Mikkelänkallio

Oliver Petäjä ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Nice small crag with a few quality lines. From left to right, päätypilari, silky smooth, bleau/bleau assis, giraffen i taket, ristinolla, magic sloper assis. Worth a visit.

Mikael Uponen
Very good rockquality. Dries quite fast. Nice spot

Herbert Toffelhausen
Kivoja linjoja loistavalla kivellä
Activities on this crag
- Eero Moilanen • 4 days agoupdated his tick list- Giraffen 6A
- Magic sloper assis 7A+
- Lepo Olli 3+ - Julius Halme • 4 months agoupdated his tick list- Nousu keskiportaaseen 5+
- Mustikkamuuri 5+
- Ahtaaja 6B+
- Artcore stand 6A+
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