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Not for Sale
8a+ Sport at The Scoop
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Cool Like That
7c+ Sport at The Scoop
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Ben Dover
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Monkey Pump
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7c+ Sport at The Scoop
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Dark Hear
7c+ Sport at The Scoop
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Neanderthal Rex
7b+ Sport at The Scoop
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The Optimist
7b+ Sport at The Scoop
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7b Sport at The Scoop
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Mangled Metal
6c+ Sport at The Scoop
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Rock Cleavage
6c Sport at The Scoop
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Donker Kloof

The area is access sensitive!

🔴 Access
There is a fee of R18 (at the time of writing) payable to enter the kloof.

🚗 How to get there
From Bath Street in the centre of town, turn up Barry Street, then left through the dip passing a suspension bridge. Turn right at the fork towards signs showing the hiking trails and continue straight (past Rainbow Glen on the right), through a gate and over a bridge into the Montagu Mountain Reserve, to reach a little kiosk on your right by a boom. This is where you pay. Continue across another bridge and park on your right below the Ou Meul.

Fro Ou Meul parking lot, walk to the left up the gravel track (Bloupunt trail), to the hikers' hut.

🧗 The Cauldron is the huge cave on your left, behind the trees across the river, just before you reach the hikers’ hut.

🧗 The Slab: From the hikers’ hut, continue for a little while till you reach a T-junction in the path. Go left to reach the obvious grey slab.

🧗 The Scoop: From the hikers’ hut, continue for a little while till you reach a T-junction in the path. Go right to reach the base of The Scoop behind some trees on the left at a concrete weir.