Baboon Sumo thumbnail
Baboon Sumo
7B Boulder at Baboon Sumo
Unnamed Arete left thumbnail
Up the Spout thumbnail
Up the Spout
6A Boulder at Tea Time
Teapot traverse thumbnail
Teapot traverse
6B+ Boulder at Tea Time
Tea Time thumbnail
Tea Time
7C+ Boulder at Tea Time
Teapot thumbnail
7A Boulder at Tea Time
Tea with Elmarie thumbnail
Tea with Elmarie
8A Boulder at Tea Time
Lord Greystoke thumbnail
Ron Ron et Caramel thumbnail
John Denver thumbnail
John Denver
7A Boulder at John Denver
No topo image available
3 Boulder at Teabag
Teatime Direct thumbnail
Teatime Direct
7B+ Boulder at Tea Time
Ron Ron Dyno thumbnail
The Full Tony Tick thumbnail
Ron Ron Diagonal thumbnail
Mufasa thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at John Denver
Teapot Diagonal thumbnail
Teapot Diagonal
5 Boulder at Tea Time
The Arch thumbnail
The Arch
8B Boulder at The Arch
Pull my finger thumbnail
Unnamed Arete thumbnail
Lung compliance thumbnail
Lung compliance
6C+ Boulder at John Denver
Before we knew him thumbnail
African Tourist thumbnail
African Tourist
6C Boulder at The Arch
Skeletor thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Ron Ron Caramel
Give me a break thumbnail
In the middle of the ass thumbnail
Not not ninot thumbnail
Bouldering for beginners thumbnail
Alone time thumbnail
Alone time
6C+ Boulder at Ron Ron Caramel
Give me a moment thumbnail
Ron Ron Ultramel thumbnail
Nick Sellar's arete thumbnail
Nick Sellar's arete high-start thumbnail
Soggy teabag thumbnail
Soggy teabag
6C+ Boulder at Tea Time
Tapemonster thumbnail
Mufasa thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Mufasa
Facts about cats thumbnail
Facts about cats
7B Boulder at Mufasa
Mind scar thumbnail
Mind scar
6A Boulder at Mind Scar
Bouldering for beginners thumbnail
Not not ninot thumbnail
Alone time thumbnail
Alone time
7A Boulder at Give Me a Break
Pull my finger thumbnail
Ron Ron away thumbnail
Goodge thumbnail
7C Boulder at Poser Boulder
Deep water soloing thumbnail
Morning yoga thumbnail
Morning yoga
5+ Boulder at Poser Boulder
Different culture thumbnail
First impressions thumbnail
Kelme thumbnail
6B Boulder at Kelme
Love for hills thumbnail
Love for hills
5+ Boulder at Kelme
Basque thumbnail
4 Boulder at Kelme
Dynamic duo thumbnail
Dynamic duo
6C Boulder at Dynamic Duo
One time shoe shine thumbnail
African dancer thumbnail
African dancer
7A Boulder at Dynamic Duo
Jibe thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dynamic Duo
Quite hectic thumbnail
Quite hectic
6C+ Boulder at Simple Simon
Not quite grit thumbnail
Fragile thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Simple Simon
Caution thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Simple Simon
Simple Simon thumbnail
Simple Simon
6A Boulder at Simple Simon
Shit Brickhouse thumbnail
Le sucrier thumbnail
Le sucrier
7C Boulder at Le Sucrier
Mike's Dyno thumbnail
Mike's Dyno
7A+ Boulder at Cossack
Mike's Dyno sit start thumbnail
Dr. Tao's vegetarian biltong thumbnail
Harper thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Cossack
Cossack thumbnail
7B Boulder at Cossack
Last dance thumbnail
Last dance
6B+ Boulder at Last Dance
Final foraye thumbnail
Final foraye
6A+ Boulder at Last Dance
Cascade thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Cascade
Cascade direct thumbnail
Cascade direct
6A+ Boulder at Cascade
Jungle gym thumbnail
If only thumbnail
If only
5 Boulder at Beginner Boulder
Horny bastard thumbnail
Corner arete thumbnail
Good for the grade thumbnail
Cap gun thumbnail
Cap gun
4 Boulder at Beginner Boulder
What a knob! thumbnail
Durka, Durka wildebeast thumbnail
The revenge of short people thumbnail
Raquel thumbnail
6B Boulder at Beginner Boulder
Lord Greystoke thumbnail
Pocket power thumbnail
Tis ain't Afrika thumbnail
Gliding through the waves like elephants thumbnail
Skeletor thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Lord Greystoke
Teapot traverse extension thumbnail
L'heure du T thumbnail
L'heure du T
7B+ Boulder at Tea Time
Teapot face thumbnail
Teapot face
3 Boulder at Tea Time
Earl Grey thumbnail
Earl Grey
6A+ Boulder at Tea Time
Soggy teabag thumbnail
Soggy teabag
6C+ Boulder at Teabag
Quand le vent soufflera thumbnail
Three Musketeers thumbnail
Three Musketeers
7B Boulder at Teabag
Bauemjojo thumbnail
7C Boulder at Baboon Sumo
No Han Solo thumbnail
No Han Solo
6B Boulder at Star Wars
Only one Kenobi thumbnail
Only one Kenobi
6A Boulder at Star Wars
In all my years thumbnail
Firestarter thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Firestarter
?  thumbnail
3 Boulder at Firestarter
Black crack thumbnail
Black crack
5+ Boulder at Unnamed Arete
Meatball thumbnail
5 Boulder at Yogi
Yogi thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Yogi
Mocha thumbnail
4 Boulder at Yogi
Birds attack thumbnail
Birds attack
6B+ Boulder at Yogi
Two is the charm thumbnail
Two is the charm
4 Boulder at Yogi
Road rash thumbnail
Ape index thumbnail
Ape index
6C Boulder at Ape Index
Local knowledge thumbnail
No topo image available
No topo image available
Troglodyte thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Troglodyte
Who's your daddy thumbnail
Dussy manquant thumbnail
The function of the female orgasm thumbnail
Arb arete thumbnail
Boombox is not a toy thumbnail
No topo image available
8A Boulder
No topo image available
Kackstift  thumbnail
TIS is Afrika thumbnail
Traverse the Tee thumbnail
Traverse the Tee
6C Boulder at Tea Time

The area is access sensitive!

CapeNature Areas (Public land). Daily R60, weekly R200 and monthly R750 permits for climbing. Permits can be bought online through but it is recommended that you buy them on site at for example De Pakhuys, Traveller's Rest or Clan Williams tourist office. The permits are not limited so they will not run out.

Park the car, and walk to the boulders. The approach is about 500 meters, depending where you are heading to. But Teapot is around 500 meters. Approach time 5-10mins.