UNLOCK Battir Premium

UNLOCK Battir Premium

With Battir Premium you get:

  • 30 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
  • 6 high quality topo images
  • 6 sectors with extra details
  • Unlimited access to all the other 4147 Premium crags around the world
  • Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
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The area is access sensitive!

By car:
Drive to the village of Battir near Bethlehem and follow the main street all the way down the hill to the old part of town. Still on the main street you will pass the roman pool and a restaurant that we recommend, the Terrace Café al Jenan, on your left. Follow the main road, after 500 meters towards the village boundary it makes a slight right turn. Soon you will be greeted with a view of the Battir valley. Keep following that road which slightly ascends the south side of the valley. You will pass a small wooden sign indicating a hiking trail that descends into the valley to your left (there are some so-called ‘Carpenter ruins’ to be marveled at). After driving for another couple of hundred meters you finally arrive at the “parking spot” on the left-hand side of the road (basically a widened stretch of the road – check the coordinates). To reach the green cliff, catch a trail descending just a couple of meters down from the road to the wall. For the yellow cliff you descend the same way, hike further through olive trees down to the valley floor and go up to the opposite (northern) valley wall, improvise for the exact route as there is no dedicated trail (use GPS coordinates for precise location).

By public transport:
Take the service form Ramallah to Bethlehem (1 to 2 hours). Once in Bethlehem take a shared taxi to a location called ‘cinema’. From there on take a service to Battir. At the final stop further go along the main road and follow the instructions above.