Bas Cuvier
Team SansMaison
Fontainebleau, France
Bas Cuvier (Cuvier in short) needs no further ado. It's maybe the most iconic site at the Forest of Fontainebleau. And w...
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Jumbo Jet - R25, B41
All sectors
All routes on Bas Cuvier
Angle Olive - B26,B27,O33
11 routes on 2 topos
Ardoise - B29, O35
5 routes on 3 topos
3 routes on 1 topo
Baquet - R30, R31, B47
5 routes on 2 topos
5 routes on 3 topos
Bizuth - R23, R26
6 routes on 2 topos
BLK11, R28, R29, B45, B46, O49
9 routes on 6 topos
Block behind blue #35
2 routes on 4 topos
Blue 6
1 route on 1 topo
Bob's Leg
1 route
Bossa Nova
3 routes on 2 topos
Boulot - B30, O30
4 routes on 3 topos
Carnage - B11, B12
33 routes on 7 topos
Cervin - O19
3 routes on 2 topos
Chocolat - R33
5 routes on 3 topos
Cinzano - R14,R15,R16,R16,B37,034
14 routes on 4 topos
Controle Technique - B4
5 routes on 4 topos
Coq - R5, B5, B6, O12, O13, BLK5
10 routes on 3 topos
Corto Maltese - W6, B14
13 routes on 4 topos
Coup de Bambou - O9, Blue J
4 routes on 4 topos
Crampes - B8,B9,R12,R13,O32
13 routes on 3 topos
Cul de Souris
5 routes on 1 topo
1 route
Dalle aux Demis - B31, O37
3 routes on 2 topos
Delta - O29
3 routes on 4 topos
Esgourdes - R35,R37,B24
8 routes on 4 topos
Fauchee - R42, B19
6 routes on 3 topos
Faux Ligament - R11, B16
2 routes on 1 topo
Frites - BLK6,R7,R8,O25
13 routes on 5 topos
Gazometre - R10, B15
4 routes on 3 topos
Goulotte - BLK1,W1,R1,R2,B2,B3,O7
15 routes on 5 topos
Grenouille - R9, O31
10 routes on 7 topos
Hier Encore - O17
6 routes on 1 topo
Hypothèse - W4,W5,B9,B10,B13,O28
27 routes on 5 topos
Jumbo Jet - R25, B41
6 routes on 2 topos
Kilo de Beurre - W10,R39, R41, B18
16 routes on 5 topos
L'Aérodynamite - W2, R4, O11, LB3
17 routes on 3 topos
La Clé - W11, R38, B22
8 routes on 4 topos
La Rhume Folle - W9, B23
8 routes on 4 topos
La Stèf
3 routes on 3 topos
Langouste royale
3 routes on 2 topos
Le Biceps Mou - LB7
17 routes on 4 topos
Le Poinconneur des Lilas
4 routes on 3 topos
Lente Agonie - O12
2 routes on 2 topos
1 route on 1 topo
Lunettes - O41
3 routes on 1 topo
Marie Rose - BLK10,W13,R22,R24,B40,B42,B43
18 routes on 4 topos
Menage a Trois - O3
9 routes on 2 topos
Mollisante - B35, B36, O43
7 routes on 4 topos
Move To Est
0 route
Nescafe - W12, R21, Orange Depart
10 routes on 5 topos
Orange 21
1 route on 2 topos
Oreille Cassee - O10
2 routes on 3 topos
Orientale - R40, B21
10 routes on 4 topos
Pernod - B32, O39
4 routes on 4 topos
Petit Surplomb - LB6, O27
4 routes on 3 topos
3 routes on 1 topo
Pinces - O40, O42
3 routes on 1 topo
Plats Chauds
1 route on 3 topos
Plats Toniques - B17
6 routes on 2 topos
Pogne - BLK2, BLK3
7 routes on 3 topos
Prestat - W15,W16,W17,R27,R32,B44,B48,O50
16 routes on 5 topos
Pulpe Friction
2 routes on 3 topos
11 routes on 5 topos
Raideur digeste
8 routes on 4 topos
Sang lisse
6 routes on 3 topos
Sans Famille
3 routes on 1 topo
Sans les Mains - B1, O6
5 routes on 3 topos
1 route on 1 topo
2 routes on 1 topo
Soufflet - W7,W8,R36,B25
9 routes on 4 topos
South of Coupelle
0 route
Spoutnik - BLK7, O20
5 routes on 3 topos
Super Bouze - R34
4 routes on 2 topos
Technogratte - O5
5 routes on 2 topos
Tire Bras - W3
5 routes on 3 topos
Tondu - R3, O8
2 routes on 4 topos
Tour de Pise - B20
9 routes on 3 topos
2 routes on 2 topos
Tripes - B33, B34, O38
9 routes on 4 topos
Trois - LB4, O26
7 routes on 2 topos
Vive la Mariée
1 route
48.447125, 2.639106
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