古今水族館 Aquarium through time
3 routes on 1 topo
地爆天星 Chibaku Tensei
6 routes on 2 topos
平台大石 Boulder on the ground
3 routes on 1 topo
格格不入 Unfitted grids
2 routes on 0 topos
橫看成嶺 A peak viewed from the side
1 route on 0 topos
百變怪 Ditto
1 route on 1 topo
羈絆之樹 Tree of Kizuna
1 route on 1 topo
野餐高台 Picnic Plateau
4 routes on 1 topo
鯉魚王躍龍門 Magikarp-Splashed Gate
1 route on 1 topo
Fu Yu Gongyuan Parking
八斗子 Badouzi
General marker for the crag