Désert lumière thumbnail
Du rêve à la réalité thumbnail
Court vite 19 thumbnail
Mamie dune thumbnail
Mamie dune
7b+ Sport at Marcel Bohr
Mata Hari thumbnail
Mata Hari
7b Sport at Hautes Voies
Céric et rac thumbnail
Ho'Ohopono thumbnail
7b Sport at Marcel Bohr
Lune de Wezak thumbnail
Lune de Wezak
7b Sport at Dark Face
Rijeka mušovica thumbnail
L'ami du vent thumbnail
Tapis de Fleurs thumbnail
Électroshock thumbnail
Marcel Bohr thumbnail
Marcel Bohr
7a Sport at Marcel Bohr
Les Nains de Jardin thumbnail
No woman, no dièdre thumbnail
Bas lesmasques thumbnail
Le Barbu thumbnail
La voie du sanglier thumbnail
A grand coups de tralux thumbnail
2ème vague thumbnail
2ème vague
7a Sport at Marcel Bohr
Quadragenèse thumbnail
7a Sport at Dark Face
Pourquoi pas thumbnail
Le gag thumbnail
Le gag
7a Sport at Pizza aux olives
No Name thumbnail
Snatch t'en chies thumbnail
Nico temps chi thumbnail
Transition thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Marcel Bohr
Montaigu thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Hautes Voies
Toit sur toit thumbnail
L'est débarque au sud thumbnail
Bélou t'es où thumbnail
Les Valseuses thumbnail
Ca passe où tu te craches thumbnail
Virus thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Hautes Voies
Pizza aux Olives thumbnail
La blaque à Toto thumbnail
Capulet thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Hautes Voies
Roméo sans Juliette thumbnail
Old Schatterhand thumbnail
La montagne dans les vignes thumbnail
Qui roule bamboule thumbnail
Kronenbourg thumbnail
6b Sport at Polonaise
Naz thumbnail
6b Sport at Polonaise
Gadget o Bras thumbnail
Gadget o Bras
6b Sport at Face Sud
Le pète au casque thumbnail
Adéla thumbnail
6b Sport at Hautes Voies
Monsieur Hideux thumbnail
Crime d'Amour thumbnail
Crime d'Amour
6b Sport at Polonaise
Corde Raide thumbnail
Corde Raide
6b Sport at Corde Raide
Chercher n'est pas trouver thumbnail
L'ecartelèment de san andreas thumbnail
Néo Baba thumbnail
Toi et Moi thumbnail
Toi et Moi
6b Sport at Mr. Hyde
Niza thumbnail
6b Sport at Polonaise
Entrechat thumbnail
6b Sport at Corde Raide
Inspection générale thumbnail
Vacherin Mycologiste thumbnail
Ubu Doigt thumbnail
Ubu Doigt
6a+ Sport at Mr. Hyde
Biorythme thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Corde Raide
Quand je serai grand je ferai du 6a thumbnail
Sibéric thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Marcel Bohr
Aman Iman thumbnail
Aman Iman
6a+ Sport at Hautes Voies
Kangoo thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Marcel Bohr
la Maradsous thumbnail
la Maradsous
6a+ Sport at Marcel Bohr
Lancer des dés thumbnail
Verglas fréquent thumbnail
La Polonaise thumbnail
La Polonaise
6a Sport at Polonaise
Cents Problèmes thumbnail
Les Affranchis thumbnail
Les Affranchis
6a Sport at Face Sud
Relais qui lâche thumbnail
Colloc thumbnail
6a Sport at Grande Face
Winnetou thumbnail
6a Sport at Hautes Voies
Sainte nitouche thumbnail
Blues Trottoir thumbnail
Heat thumbnail
6a Sport at Face Sud
Garage Renault thumbnail
Chasse Pierre thumbnail
les MCM thumbnail
les MCM
6a Sport at Marcel Bohr
Camisole thumbnail
6a Sport at Marcel Bohr
Fuite de Gaz thumbnail
Fuite de Gaz
6a Sport at Acrobates
Mr. Hyde thumbnail
Mr. Hyde
6a Sport at Mr. Hyde
Friend zone thumbnail
Friend zone
6a Sport at Face Sud
Maffia Blues thumbnail
Maffia Blues
6a Sport at Face Sud
Bim Bam Boom thumbnail
Le pas du crapaud thumbnail
Lutin Fripon thumbnail
Le Machin thumbnail
Le Machin
5+ Sport at Découverte
Oncle Joe thumbnail
Oncle Joe
5+ Sport at Acrobates
A droite tu meurs thumbnail
Sodrômite thumbnail
5+ Sport at Grande Face
Mini Cervin thumbnail
Boulimie thumbnail
5+ Sport at Acrobates
Feroe thumbnail
5+ Sport at Acrobates
Coup de foudre thumbnail
Baby thumbnail
5+ Sport at Polonaise
France-Brésil 3-0 thumbnail
Corona thumbnail
5+ Sport at Grande Face
Les jardins suspendus aux mille buses thumbnail
Paul pète thumbnail
Paul pète
5+ Sport at Hautes Voies
La Gauffre thumbnail
La Gauffre
5+ Sport at Mr. Hyde
Audun le Tiche

The area is access sensitive!

1) Leave nothing behind and be respectful to others, areas closed with construction tape or signs are off limits. NO fires NO camping
This crag was closed for over 5 years already please be respectful so it can remain open in the future.

!HELMETS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES BY MINORS! Please also wear one as an adult!

2) From Audun-le-Tiche (Town) drive south on D16 then the Parking lot will be right next to the road to the left side. Only Park in the designated area and be sure not to block others. The Parking lot is indicated on the map.

3) From the parking lot it only takes 2 minutes to reach the crag and the path is clearly marked. Have fun climbing.