SAnneke thumbnail
7a Sport at Face Sud Gauche
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6b Sport at Blocs Est
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6b Sport at Blocs Ouest
Julbo thumbnail
6b Sport at Blocs Ouest
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Lowe ALpine
6a Sport at Blocs Ouest
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Zamberlan thumbnail
5+ Sport at Blocs Ouest
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Mounteqshop thumbnail
5+ Sport at Blocs Ouest
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Dinosaurus thumbnail
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Rab thumbnail
5 Sport at Blocs Est
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Smartwool thumbnail
5 Sport at Blocs Ouest
The sidewinder thumbnail
De l'audace thumbnail
De l'audace
? Traditional at Face Est
Encore de l'Audace thumbnail
Encore de l'Audace
? Traditional at Face Est
Toujours de l'Audace aka Pomelo Express thumbnail
Klean Kanteen thumbnail
Care Plus thumbnail
Care Plus
? Sport at Blocs Est

The area is access sensitive!

Crag is situated in Natura2000 area, so no litter, no fire, no camping!

Acces by car:
Arriving in Olloy-sur-Viroin, coming from the East, don't take the Rue des Mines towards the center of Olloy (a street crossing the Viroin) but instead turn right, follow the 'Rue Autre Côté de l'Eau' for about 500m until the 'Rue de la Goulette' at the right (3 parling places here at the roadside). You could drive 30 m further into the 'Rue Autre Côté de l'Eau', then turn right and drive steep uphill (3 parking places here), but it's rough ground.

Acces on footh

So better walk these last meters, and continue into the trees, following a steep path that, 100m further, splits in two? Take left here and continue following the sinuous path untill arriving at the entrance of the quarry, some 300m further.