Lockdown thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
Iittala-Shangri-La thumbnail
Rhode Island thumbnail
Rhode Island
7A+ Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
American I thumbnail
American I
7A Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
Räntäkitka thumbnail
Teema thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
Salarakas thumbnail
6B Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
Virhearvio thumbnail
6B Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
Prinssi Daniel thumbnail
Jumppapallo thumbnail
? thumbnail
5 Boulder at Amerikan Reitit
Victorian Uuma thumbnail
No topo image available
5 Boulder
Siedätyshoito thumbnail
Amerikan Reitit

The area is access sensitive!

Find parking space safely somewhere along the Kutilantie. There isn´t much room, its more like roadside parking. BUT dont park on the crossroads or roads of the local houses or fieldtracks. When parking, remember to leave unobstructed way for local habitants and agricultural machinery. Then walk to approach path start and along it to the crag. The path isn really a path, just a guidance. the cliff is fortunately near so you´ll find it easily.

Do not litter or make unnecessarily loud noises when at the cliff. Making fire is allowed only with a permit!