
Yearly top 10 averages
7C+ 0 0 0
7C 5 0 5
7B+ 5 0 5
7B 7 0 7
7A+ 4 1 3
7A 7 0 7
6C+ 3 1 2
6C 6 1 5
6B+ 0 0 0
6B 3 2 1
6A+ 0 0 0
6A 0 0 0
5+ 0 0 0
5 1 1 0
4+ 1 1 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Agree to disagree
7A Boulder at Crag X
Tror Geir Amundsen gikk den først. Med forbehold om at det er snakk om samme linje...
6C (7A) Crag X Boulder 2017-04-20
Red point
Red point
Beautiful Choss
7B Boulder at Kvalvika
Underneat choss I found a beautiful line. But never got the FA. Very nice moves! There is a short 7A way right on the boulder, topping out in B Choss.
7B Kvalvika Boulder 2015-07-06
Red point
Red point
Sebulbas Arete
6C Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Many combinations done on this wall and problems around the arete. Make up your own and have fun.
6C Kvalvika Boulder 2014-10-08
Red point
Red point
Big Youth
7A+ Boulder at Harbak
7A+ Harbak Boulder 2014-07-08
Truckers Hitch
7A Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Starts by Oppvakningen and drops from obvious horizontal hold. The full line might be 7C or harder.
7A Kvalvika Boulder 2014-05-08
Red point
Red point
Røyk en rev
7A+ Boulder at Kvalvika
The easy start for Galar. Maybe Røyk en rev kan være et passende navn? Kanskje 7A. Ser at jeg ikke la den inn på, der jeg kun har logget 7A+ og opp.
7A+ Kvalvika Boulder 2014-05-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Kvalvika
Pumpy! 7A+, in to 6A transport up the rail, to 6C powerfull boulderproblem, in to 6A tecnical and a litle bit scary topout. 32 handmoves the way I did it. 8a route grade?
7C Kvalvika Boulder 2014-05-06
Red point
Red point
Suck it!
7C Boulder at Kvalvika
FA of the stand start(Stick it) in 2011, or so? What about topping out to the rigt in Drømmen om Tessin?
7C Kvalvika Boulder 2013-10-10
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Kvalvika
Nice one! Also a variation wich goes to the right and tops out the right hand arete, Tåpelig, at 7A. Squize line, but very nice movements on the variation as on Tålelig.
6C Kvalvika Boulder 2013-07-06
Red point
Red point
Angle Hilmo
6C Boulder at Kvalvika
The best problem at Kvalvika?
7A (6C) Kvalvika Boulder 2013-07-06
Red point
Red point
For spesielt interesserte
7B Boulder at Kvalvika
Not my proudest line, but fun moves if you are able to keep off the ground.
7B Kvalvika Boulder 2013-05-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
Stick it (bitch)!
7B Boulder at Kvalvika
I suggested 7B, but is probably more like 7A when it sticks?
7A (7B) Kvalvika Boulder 2012-10-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
Grab and pull
5 Boulder at Kvalvika
A very good problem!!!
5 Kvalvika Boulder 2012-07-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
6B Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Kick. Easy in the top, so don't let you scare! Anyone up for traversing the lip from left to right? NB! with the lip as handholds.
6B Kvalvika Boulder 2012-06-08
Red point
Red point
Ekorn i flokk
7B Boulder at Straumvassbotn
Done with right arm to sloper. Easier than the catch. Weak mans Panserelgen...
7A (7B) Straumvassbotn Boulder 2012-04-05
Red point
Red point
Sjakk M.A.T.S.
7B Boulder at Straumvassbotn
Climbes way better than it looks. Kickstart is normal. 7A+ after the tree went? For sure it lost some personality with the tree. The tree an the rock grew in to each other.
7B Straumvassbotn Boulder 2012-04-05
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Straumvassbotn
Betadependent climbing. Lots of tuning to link it!
7C Straumvassbotn Boulder 2011-10-10
Red point
Red point
I skyggen av Tessin
6C Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. The line which motivated me to start developing Kvalvika. Nice moves, good rock and high enough to keep you on alert!
6C Kvalvika Boulder 2011-04-10
Red point
Red point
4+ Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. The best easy problem at Kvalvika?
4+ Kvalvika Boulder 2011-04-08
Direkte hjerteformørkelse
7A Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Everything has to be done on a local training crag as Kvalvika...
7A Kvalvika Boulder 2011-04-08
Red point
Red point
Total hjerteformørkelse
6C Boulder at Kvalvika
6C Kvalvika Boulder 2011-04-08
Red point
Red point
Direkte Hjerteformørkelse low
7A+ Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Yes, it's a forced line. But very nice moves and rock.
7A+ Kvalvika Boulder 2011-04-08
Red point
Red point
Oppvåkning 2
6B Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Top out straight up is 2 stars an around 7A.
6B Kvalvika Boulder 2011-04-04
6C+ Boulder at Kvalvika
FA. Better than it looks. Packs in a lot!
6C (6C+) Kvalvika Boulder 2010-04-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Harbak
7A Harbak Boulder 2009-06-06
Red point
Red point
I and I
7A+ Boulder at Harbak
7A+ Harbak Boulder 2009-06-06
Red point
Red point
Fizze risset
7A Boulder at Kunna
To tired to send after spending lots of effort removing the rock in the landing zone. After working out the beta, a fresh observer(read Geir Ove) nipped in for the FA. Sen't the next session! Definitely not 7A!
7A+ (7A) Kunna Boulder 2009-06-05
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Rå makt sds
7A Boulder at Flakstadpollen
More like 7A?
7B (7A) Flakstadpollen Boulder 2008-06-04
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Straumvassbotn
Nice spot down by the lake. Is the start easyer after the tree went? The problem lost som personality with the tree! When the tree moved in the wind, the startinghold could close, and you had to watch your fingers not to loose them. Scary!
7B+ Straumvassbotn Boulder 2006-07-15
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Harbak
6C Harbak Boulder 2004-09-04
6C+ Boulder at Gandalf bouldering
I brushed and named this problem, but never got the FA. Any suggestions for the meaning of SG? For me it feels harder than 6C+!
7A+ (6C+) Gandalf bouldering Boulder 2004-05-30
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Sila
Nice moves on sidepuls and positive holds. A few pads and the landing is safe.
7B Sila Boulder 2004-05-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Sila
Might be Torstein Eide got second ascent? Note sure of wich year and date on the different Sila ascents? The corect info is availabel at A lots of moves on this problem!
7B+ (7C) Sila Boulder 2003-10-11
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Oppvarmingseggen sit
6C+ Boulder at Harbak
6C (6C+) Harbak Boulder 2003-09-06
Marions lepper
6B Boulder at Harbak
Tror detter er ett av flere lette problemer brødrene Slørdahl og jeg førstebesteg ei tidlig høsthelg i ca 2003?
6B Harbak Boulder 2003-08-09
FA Flash
FA Flash
Skjorta til supermann
7B+ Boulder at Sila
Spent a lot of time on it, and graded out of effort. Should it be 7A+? And the Luremus start 7B+?
7B+ Sila Boulder 2003-05-15
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B+ Boulder at Sila
The best line here. Combination of the best parts of Hard Core and TF. TF might be soft? This one deserves 7B+?
7B+ Sila Boulder 2003-04-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
I love TF
7B+ Boulder at Sila
Nice moves. Should have been done straight up! Missed the first ascent by avoiding the more logical left topout...
7B+ Sila Boulder 2002-05-04
Red point
Red point
Hardcore 65
7C Boulder at Sila
One star for the slope topout. The low start at 7C is a litle to much about not touching the ground. FA around the spring of 2002.
7A+ (7C) Sila Boulder 2002-05-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B+ Boulder at Sila
The best boulderproblem ever! Nice FA Andre Wagelid.
7B+ Sila Boulder 2002-04-30
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Sila
I love that last high footmove and reach for the lip. Yosemetie rock quality.
7A Sila Boulder 2001-08-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B Boulder at Straumvassbotn
Used to be 7B. My first of the grade. Beta changed from barndore side pull to the undercling/pinch and the grade down to 7A or soft 7A+
7A (7B) Straumvassbotn Boulder 2000-06-05
Red point
Red point