Shahar Eyal
has visited and listed 12 crags in 2 countries
- Shahar Eyal • 7 months agoupdated his or her tick list- Egoism 6a
- BaMaarav Ein Kol Hadash (There is nothing new in the West) 6a
- Hi Hop 6b
- Ir Bli Tahtit (A city without a bottom) 6b - Shahar Eyal • 1 year agoupdated his or her tick list- With No Human Intervention 5+
- The song of the crane (Shirat Ha Agor) P1 6a
- A tail for foxes (Zanav LaShoalim) 5+
- Cracks and shelves (Sdakim Ve Madafim) 6b - Shahar Eyal • 1 year agoupdated his or her tick list- Bomba 5+
- Spare the Rod, Spoil the Route 6a
- Modern Times 6a
- Corner Crack 5