
Yearly top 10 averages
7a+ 0 0 0 0 0
7a 1 0 0 1 0
6c+ 0 0 0 0 0
6c 3 0 1 2 0
6b+ 5 0 0 5 0
6b 13 0 4 9 0
6a+ 20 0 1 19 0
6a 29 0 2 27 0
5+ 17 0 1 16 0
5 6 0 0 6 0
4+ 1 0 0 1 0
4 5 0 2 3 0
3+ 0 0 0 0 0
3 10 0 10 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
6A+ Boulder at Maunoury
6b (6a+) Maunoury Boulder 2024-07-26
Red point
Red point
La Voie Michaud
6C Boulder at Éléphant
6c Éléphant Boulder 2024-07-26
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Brione
6c Brione Boulder 2024-04-11
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Chironico North
6c Chironico North Boulder 2024-04-08
7A Boulder at Chironico North
First ever 7a
7a Chironico North Boulder 2024-04-08
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Chironico North
6b Chironico North Boulder 2024-04-08
Red point
Red point
Tyrion (sans convention)
6B Boulder at Apremont Envers
6b Apremont Envers Boulder 2023-11-26
Red point
Red point
Potage (assis)
6A Boulder at Le Calvaire
6a Le Calvaire Boulder 2023-08-31
Red point
Red point
Potage (assis)
6A Boulder at Le Calvaire
6a Le Calvaire Boulder 2023-08-31
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
This is orange #36 and graded 3b in Jingo Wobbly.
3+ (6b) Franchard Isatis Boulder 2023-08-30
Estelle (Orange #36)
3 Boulder at Franchard Isatis
3 Franchard Isatis Boulder 2023-08-30
L'Angle d'Incidence
6A+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6a+ Franchard Isatis Boulder 2023-08-30
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
5+ Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2023-08-30
Red point
Red point
Le Vol du Bourdon
6A+ Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
6a+ Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2023-08-29
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
6a+ Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2023-08-29
Red point
Red point
No Name
5+ Boulder at Chironico North
5+ Chironico North Boulder 2023-07-26
Red point
Red point
Globetrotter left
6B Boulder at Chironico North
6b Chironico North Boulder 2023-07-26
Red point
Red point
Revue de Paris
6B+ Boulder at Chironico North
6b+ Chironico North Boulder 2023-07-26
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Chironico North
6b+ Chironico North Boulder 2023-07-25
Red point
Red point
Boulder problem #7
6A+ Boulder at Montalbano
6a+ Montalbano Boulder 2023-07-23
Red point
Red point
Boulder problem #6
6A+ Boulder at Montalbano
6a (6a+) Montalbano Boulder 2023-07-23
Néron (droite)
6A Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
6a Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2023-05-21
Red point
Red point
Le Bourdon - blue 18
4+ Boulder at Rocher de la Reine
5 (4+) Rocher de la Reine Boulder 2023-05-20
Red point
Red point
600 KN 91 (droite)
6A+ Boulder at Drei Zinnen
6a+ Drei Zinnen Boulder 2023-05-20
Red point
Red point
L'Étoile Rouge
6A Boulder at Drei Zinnen
6a Drei Zinnen Boulder 2023-05-20
Red point
Red point
Baby Groot
6A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
6a Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2023-05-20
Red point
Red point
Les Héros du Web
6A+ Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
6a+ Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2023-05-19
Red point
Red point
Jeté Rationnel
6A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
6a Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2023-05-19
Red point
Red point
The Big Short assis
6A Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
6a Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2023-05-19
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Apremont Désert
6a+ Apremont Désert Boulder 2023-05-18
Red point
Red point
La Théorie de Michele
6A Boulder at Apremont Désert
6a Apremont Désert Boulder 2023-05-18
Red point
Red point
Volo di rondine left exit
5+ Boulder at Chironico North
5+ Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-13
Red point
Red point
Volo di rondine
5+ Boulder at Chironico North
5+ Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-13
Red point
Red point
Rufus right
4 Boulder at Chironico North
4 Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-13
Die roboter
6A Boulder at Chironico North
6a Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-13
6A Boulder at Chironico North
6a Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-13
Red point
Red point
Addis a baba
6B Boulder at Chironico North
6b Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-13
La virtu dei forti
6B+ Boulder at Chironico North
6b+ Chironico North Boulder 2023-04-12
Red point
Red point
Uela li
6A+ Boulder at Brione
6a+ Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
Red point
Red point
Cacciatore solitario
6A Boulder at Brione
6a Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
Red point
Red point
Sunny day
5+ Boulder at Brione
5+ Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
Red point
Red point
Mandala della natura
6A Boulder at Brione
6a Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
Red point
Red point
Oggi jump
6B Boulder at Brione
6b Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
La vie en rose
6B Boulder at Brione
6b Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
Red point
Red point
Extra lusso
6B+ Boulder at Brione
6b+ Brione Boulder 2023-04-11
Red point
Red point
Il Cerchio Celtico
6A+ Boulder at Cresciano
6a+ Cresciano Boulder 2023-04-10
Red point
Red point
Rol Laden
6A+ Boulder at Cresciano
6a+ Cresciano Boulder 2023-04-10
Red point
Red point
No Name
6A Boulder at Cresciano
6a Cresciano Boulder 2023-04-10
Red point
Red point
Icaro's Step
6A+ Boulder at Cresciano
6a+ Cresciano Boulder 2023-04-10
Red point
Red point
Boulder problem #3
6A Boulder at Montalbano
6a Montalbano Boulder 2023-04-06
Boulder problem #2
6A Boulder at Montalbano
6a Montalbano Boulder 2023-04-06
Red point
Red point
Boulder problem #1
6A Boulder at Montalbano
6a Montalbano Boulder 2023-04-06
Red point
Red point
Boulder problem #1
5+ Boulder at Montalbano
5+ Montalbano Boulder 2023-04-06
Boulder problem #2
6A Boulder at Montalbano
6a Montalbano Boulder 2023-04-06
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
5+ Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2023-02-13
Red point
Red point
Le Pélican
6B Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
6b Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2023-02-09
Red point
Red point
Cannonball (gauche)
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6b Franchard Isatis Boulder 2023-01-21
Dutchmen Don't Fly
6a+ Franchard Carriers / Sablons Ouest Boulder 2023-01-21
Red point
Red point
La statique assis
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6b Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-05
Red point
Red point
Le Droitier (Yellow #8)
3 Boulder at Franchard Isatis
3 Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-05
Mistral (Orange #22)
3 Boulder at Franchard Isatis
3 Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-05
Le Gaucher (Yellow #8bis)
3 Boulder at Franchard Isatis
3 Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-05
L'Angle du Sérac (white 40)
6B+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6b+ Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-05
Red point
Red point
La Statique (assis)
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6b Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-05
Red point
Red point
La Statique (red #48)
6A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-04
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6a Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-04
Red point
Red point
Le Toit Triangulaire
5+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
5+ (5+) Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-03
Red point
Red point
The Cribbar
6B Boulder at Franchard Isatis
6b Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-11-03
Red point
Red point
L'Angle Rouge / Solitaire
5+ Boulder at Rocher des Souris
5+ Rocher des Souris Boulder 2022-11-02
Red point
Red point
Kansas City (Blues #21)
5+ Boulder at 95.2
5+ 95.2 Boulder 2022-09-11
Red point
Red point
La Narine assis
6A Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
6a Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2022-09-09
Red point
Red point
Jeu de Moules gauche
6A Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
6a Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2022-09-08
Red point
Red point
le Petit Toit
6A+ Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
6a+ Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2022-09-07
Red point
Red point
No Name
4 Boulder at Chironico South
4+ (4) Chironico South Boulder 2022-08-06
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Chironico South
5 Chironico South Boulder 2022-08-06
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Chironico South
5 Chironico South Boulder 2022-08-06
Red point
Red point
Split in two
5 Boulder at Chironico South
5 Chironico South Boulder 2022-08-06
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Chironico South
6a Chironico South Boulder 2022-08-06
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Brione
5+ (5) Brione Boulder 2022-08-03
Red point
Red point
5 Boulder at Brione
5 Brione Boulder 2022-08-03
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Brione
5+ (5+) Brione Boulder 2022-08-03
Red point
Red point
Canarini svolazzanti
5 Boulder at Brione
5 Brione Boulder 2022-08-03
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Brione
6b Brione Boulder 2022-08-03
Red point
Red point
Galileo Bis
6A Boulder at Chironico North
6a Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Chironico North
6a Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
La Scoira
6A+ Boulder at Chironico North
6a+ Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
La dance des ceps
6A Boulder at Chironico North
6a Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
Vier gleiche
6A+ Boulder at Chironico North
6a+ Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Chironico North
6a+ Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Chironico North
6a Chironico North Boulder 2022-08-01
Red point
Red point
Tranquille (blue #23)
4 Boulder at Bois Rond
4 Bois Rond Boulder 2022-07-24
Red point
Red point
Petite Fleur
5+ Boulder at Bois Rond
5+ Bois Rond Boulder 2022-07-24
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Bois Rond Auberge
6a Bois Rond Auberge Boulder 2022-07-24
Red point
Red point
No challenge
5+ Boulder at Bois Rond Auberge
5+ Bois Rond Auberge Boulder 2022-07-24
Red point
Red point
La Vague
5+ Boulder at Bois Rond Auberge
5+ Bois Rond Auberge Boulder 2022-07-24
Red point
Red point
Bouddha standing start
5+ Boulder at Franchard Isatis
Topo p. 139 bloc 79 - Isatis Est
5+ Franchard Isatis Boulder 2022-07-22
Red point
Red point
Extorsion de fond droite
5+ Boulder at Canche aux Merciers
5+ Canche aux Merciers Boulder 2022-05-29
Red point
Red point
La Fortune
6A Boulder at Bas Cuvier
6a Bas Cuvier Boulder 2022-05-29
Red point
Red point
Pan outdoor
6A+ Boulder at Apremont Envers
6b (6a+) Apremont Envers Boulder 2022-05-29
Red point
Red point
Soupçon debout
6A Boulder at Maunoury
6a Maunoury Boulder 2022-05-26
Red point
Red point
Outremer (sea blue #1)
3 Boulder at Apremont
3 Apremont Boulder 2022-05-09
La Mer
3 Boulder at Apremont
3 Apremont Boulder 2022-05-09
3 Boulder at Apremont
3 Apremont Boulder 2022-05-09
Nautique (sea blue #3)
4 Boulder at Apremont
4 Apremont Boulder 2022-05-09
Pas de Deux (sea blue #2)
3 Boulder at Apremont
3 Apremont Boulder 2022-05-09
Orange #27
3 Boulder at 95.2
3 95.2 Boulder 2022-05-09
Musique de Dance
4 Boulder at 95.2
4+ (4) 95.2 Boulder 2022-05-09
Red point
Red point
Telephonica (orange #20)
3 Boulder at 95.2
3 95.2 Boulder 2022-05-09
Extraction Martienne
6A+ Boulder at Rocher des Souris
6a (6a+) Rocher des Souris Boulder 2022-05-09
Red point
Red point
5+ Boulder at Franchard Cuisinière
5+ Franchard Cuisinière Boulder 2022-05-09
Red point
Red point