
Yearly top 10 averages
8b+ 0 0 0 0 0
8b 3 0 0 3 0
8a+ 3 0 0 3 0
8a 5 0 0 5 0
7c+ 9 0 0 9 0
7c 4 0 0 4 0
7b+ 6 1 0 5 0
7b 8 3 0 5 0
7a+ 5 1 0 4 0
7a 3 0 1 2 0
6c+ 1 0 0 1 0
6c 3 2 0 1 0
6b+ 1 1 0 0 0
6b 1 1 0 0 0
6a+ 2 1 1 0 0
6a 1 0 1 0 0
5+ 0 0 0 0 0
5 3 1 1 1 0
4+ 2 1 1 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
The Anti-phil
8a Sport at Rifle
8a Rifle Sport 2021-07-16
Red point
Red point
The Eighth Day
7c+ Sport at Rifle
7c+ Rifle Sport 2020-08-09
Red point
Red point
Beer Run
7c+ Sport at Rifle
7c+ Rifle Sport 2020-07-16
Red point
Red point
Stuffed wolf
8a Sport at Clear Creek Canyon
8a Clear Creek Canyon Sport 2020-07-10
Red point
Red point
Beast with 2 Backs
7c+ Sport at Rifle
7c+ Rifle Sport 2020-07-04
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Rifle
7c Rifle Sport 2020-07-01
Red point
Red point
Never Believe
7c Sport at Rifle
7c Rifle Sport 2020-06-22
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Rifle
7c+ Rifle Sport 2020-06-20
Red point
Red point
The Grizz
7c+ Sport at Clear Creek Canyon
8a (7c+) Clear Creek Canyon Sport 2020-06-18
Red point
Red point
6a+ Sport at Bar Old Town
6a+ Bar Old Town Sport 2019-05-21
6b+ Sport at Bar Old Town
6b+ Bar Old Town Sport 2019-05-21
7c+ Sport at Bar Old Town
7c+ Bar Old Town Sport 2019-05-21
Red point
Red point
Lunatic Enthusiasm
8b Sport at Skaljari
8b? 8a+? Hard 7c+? Who knows. Spent many efforts just trying to figure out the crux sequence. Once I got it, it came together quite quickly. Would love someone to come and confirm the grade...or downgrade me into my rightful place.
8b Skaljari Sport 2019-05-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Streusand Barbara
8a Sport at Bar Old Town
7c+ (8a) Bar Old Town Sport 2019-05-04
Red point
Red point
Throw yourself over the buildings
7b Sport at Cijevna Canyon
7b Cijevna Canyon Sport 2019-05-01
Red point
Red point
Puro Cubano
7b+ Sport at Cijevna Canyon
7c (7b+) Cijevna Canyon Sport 2019-05-01
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Smokovac
7b+ Smokovac Sport 2019-04-29
Red point
Red point
Ich mach dich gesund, sagte der Bär
8a Sport at Skaljari
8a Skaljari Sport 2019-04-29
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Lamb to the Slaughter [extension]
7c+ Sport at Skaljari
7c+ Skaljari Sport 2019-04-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
? Sport at Smokovac
I think this route is unfinished. There are two bolts that look like an anchor (though no chains or lower off) halfway up, which is 7A to get there. After, it is hard, still a bit dirty and has some loose rock. Needs more cleaning.
7a (?) Smokovac Sport 2019-03-23
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Smokovac
7c+ Smokovac Sport 2019-03-23
Red point
Red point
Holy Goat Psychosis
8a+ Sport at Skaljari
8a+ Skaljari Sport 2019-03-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
Četiri strane svijeta
7b Sport at Blagaj
7b Blagaj Sport 2019-03-03
Power line
7a+ Sport at Blagaj
7a (7a+) Blagaj Sport 2019-03-03
7b Sport at Blagaj
7b Blagaj Sport 2019-03-03
Dirtbag Bourgeoisie
8a Sport at Skaljari
8a Skaljari Sport 2019-02-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
A Moment's Peace
7b Sport at Skaljari
7b Skaljari Sport 2018-12-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
5 Sport at Skaljari
5 Skaljari Sport 2018-12-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Lord of the Flies
7a+ Sport at Skaljari
The rock quality on this route is really poor. It'll take a lot of ascents before it'll be any good. I recommend starting from Bottle Ledge and skipping the first three bolts as the rock there is complete choss.
7a+ Skaljari Sport 2018-11-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
Sister Savior
6a+ Sport at Skaljari
6a (6a+) Skaljari Sport 2018-11-18
FA Flash
FA Flash
Bat Shit Crazy
7c Sport at Skaljari
Climbs right through the middle of Labud's Cave, passing fixed draws. Very cool line.
7c Skaljari Sport 2018-11-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Einstunden Hotel
7b Sport at Smokovac
7b Smokovac Sport 2018-11-03
Small Ugly And Lots Of Problems
7b+ Sport at Smokovac
7b+ Smokovac Sport 2018-11-03
Sacrificial Lamb
8b Sport at Skaljari
8b Skaljari Sport 2018-10-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Animal Sacrifice [extension]
8b Sport at Skaljari
8b Skaljari Sport 2018-10-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
We Will (We Will) Rakija
6c+ Sport at Skaljari
6c+ Skaljari Sport 2018-10-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Pins and Needles
7b Sport at Skaljari
7b Skaljari Sport 2018-10-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
7a Sport at Skaljari
7a Skaljari Sport 2018-10-17
FA Red point
FA Red point
Saturday Smells Like Sunday
7c Sport at Skaljari
7c Skaljari Sport 2018-10-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Whispers Within
8a+ Sport at Skaljari
Maybe 8b? Very different style than "Oligarchs in Existential Crisis."
8a+ Skaljari Sport 2018-09-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
4+ Sport at Skaljari
4+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA On-sight
FA On-sight
Mr. Toad
4+ Sport at Skaljari
4+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Flash
FA Flash
The Social Ladder
5 Sport at Skaljari
5 Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Flash
FA Flash
Mutton Bustin'
5 Sport at Skaljari
5 Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA On-sight
FA On-sight
Lady Bird
6a Sport at Skaljari
6a Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Flash
FA Flash
Luda Spilja
6b Sport at Skaljari
6b Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
6c Sport at Skaljari
6c Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
Buket Cvijeca
6c Sport at Skaljari
6c Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
All Tinder, No Sparks
6c Sport at Skaljari
6c Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Snail's Patience
7a Sport at Skaljari
7a Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Flash
FA Flash
Lamb to the Slaughter
7a Sport at Skaljari
7a Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Sheep Are People Too
7a+ Sport at Skaljari
7a+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Vertical Gardener
7a+ Sport at Skaljari
7a+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
The Awesome 8
7b Sport at Skaljari
7a+ (7b) Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
A Bad Case of Nihilism
7a+ Sport at Skaljari
7a+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Animal Sacrifice
7b+ Sport at Skaljari
7b+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Luda Spilja [extension]
7b+ Sport at Skaljari
7b+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
7b+ Sport at Skaljari
7b+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
Red point
Red point
Oligarchs in Existential Crisis
8a+ Sport at Skaljari
8a+ Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
7b Sport at Skaljari
7b Skaljari Sport 2018-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Midnight Macabre
7c+ Sport at Skaljari
7c+ Skaljari Sport 2018-03-10
2nd Red point
2nd Red point