
Yearly top 10 averages
8A 0 0 0
7C+ 2 0 2
7C 1 0 1
7B+ 3 0 3
7B 11 0 11
7A+ 10 0 10
7A 36 0 36
6C+ 15 0 15
6C 33 0 33
6B+ 29 1 28
6B 34 1 33
6A+ 27 6 21
6A 36 17 19
5+ 41 33 8
5 13 8 5
4+ 10 8 2
4 7 7 0
3+ 5 5 0
3 2 2 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
The Granfather's face (I fatsa tou pappou), ss
7A+ Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
Crimp fest at its best. Feels harder for taller guys so I will stick to the 7B grade. The section at the top probably feels easier for shorter climbers. A must do line.
7B (7A+) Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2022-11-05
Red point
Red point
The Grandfather (O pappous), ss, lr
7B Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
Classic line. Solid for the grade now that the hold at the upper part is gone.
7B Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2022-01-06
Red point
Red point
Weird Sisters Two
7A Boulder at Back Bowden Doors
2nd GO Climbs really nice into the slab.
7A Back Bowden Doors Boulder 2021-11-07
Red point
Red point
Under the Spell
7A Boulder at Back Bowden Doors
Harder than it looks. A cool climb nonetheless.
7A Back Bowden Doors Boulder 2021-11-07
Red point
Red point
Low and Hard
7B Boulder at Back Bowden Doors
An old time classic. Really hard first move (or two) and then easy terrain to the top. Beautiful holds all the way up.
7B Back Bowden Doors Boulder 2021-11-07
Red point
Red point
Distorted Reality (low)
7B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Nice little bloc. Starts one move lower from the stand. 4 hard moves. Perfect combination of technique and strength.
7B Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2021-09-12
FA Red point
FA Red point
Distorted Reality
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
7A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2021-09-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
7B+ Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
One of the most aesthetic lines in Athens. My first ever hard ascent in June. I shouldn't make it a habit though...
7B+ Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2021-06-04
Red point
Red point
Gold digger
6B Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6B Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2021-03-06
Happy miner
6C Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6C Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2021-03-06
Red point
Red point
The DeLonghi Flu, sds
7C+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Manitari
The cold weather and a small twist in beta made it possible. Truly hardcore line, short with brutal moves till the very end. 3rd ascent.
7C+ Mt Penteli, Manitari Boulder 2021-01-27
Red point
Red point
Tres Mariconazos Griegos direct, sds
For sure not the most enjoyable line but a hardcore climb for sure. Brutal first move, powerful second one plus a tricky topout where you can easily make a mistake. It's been many years since I last visited the bloc. Rare conditions made the climb possible within a few tries.
7B Mt Penteli, Prasinos Vraxos Boulder 2020-11-06
Red point
Red point
The Lighthouse, sds, lr
Epxoooooooo, but nevertheless a nice line...
7A Mt Penteli, Prasinos Vraxos Boulder 2020-11-04
Red point
Red point
Simeio 0
The line originally starts from far left at the jug of Cyclops (not in the middle) and takes the exit of Achilleios Pterna by traversing the wall. Considering the facts that a) it is my anit-style and b) I did it pretty fast, a difficulty grade of 7A+ is more appropriate I guess.
7A+ Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2020-10-30
Red point
Red point
Xamiles Ptiseis
7A+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
Full value line with a spicy exit...
7A+ Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2020-10-20
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Unexpected climbs this season. A bit eliminate but that's life... Nevertheless, great intro moves followed by easier ones.
7A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
Blue cheese
5+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
5+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-30
FA Flash
FA Flash
5+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
5+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-30
FA Flash
FA Flash
Back to Uni
6B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6B Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-20
FA Flash
FA Flash
6A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Back to school
6A+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6A+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-20
FA Flash
FA Flash
5+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
5+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-20
FA Flash
FA Flash
Lakonizein, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Completed the last route of the boulder in this beautiful playground.
7A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
Κίτρινη Μπουλντόζα, sds
7A+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Brilliant climbing...One of the newest additions to the sector. Proud line cleaned by Antonis Sovantzis. Caution on the top out. FA by Dimitris Trogadas.
7A+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-09-07
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Brontosaurus, sds
6B+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6B+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-08-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Schizmophrenia, sds
6C+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Nice cruxy line.
6C+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-08-27
FA Red point
FA Red point
Walk in JP, sds
6A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-08-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Jurassic park
5+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
5+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-08-27
Cream Cracker, sds
6A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-08-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
5+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
5+ Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2020-08-27
FA Flash
FA Flash
Komatsu, sds
6C Mt Penteli, Prasinos Vraxos Boulder 2020-06-22
Red point
Red point
JCB, sds
6C Mt Penteli, Prasinos Vraxos Boulder 2020-06-22
Red point
Red point
Y-Front LH
6B+ Boulder at Bowden Doors
6B+ Bowden Doors Boulder 2020-03-15
Red point
Red point
The Mantleshelf
7A Boulder at Bowden Doors
7A Bowden Doors Boulder 2020-03-14
Red point
Red point
Pita ap ola, ls
6C+ Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6C+ Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2020-01-12
Red point
Red point
Missing link, ss, lr
6C Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6C Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2020-01-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Annio (Αννιώ), ss (right exit)
7A Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
7A Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2020-01-08
Red point
Red point
Tsopanos, ss
6A Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6A Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2020-01-08
Red point
Red point
Krema Yoda, sds
6A+ Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6A+ Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2020-01-08
Red point
Red point
H fygi twn amnwn, ss
6B+ Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
6B+ Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2020-01-08
Red point
Red point
....., js
5+ Boulder at Vgethi - Rigma
5+ Vgethi - Rigma Boulder 2019-12-21
Το καλσόν, sds
The newest addition to the boulders of Mt Penteli. Solo mission today, but it was totally worth the hike with 2 pads. Avoid using the rock on your left. A classic line...
7B Mt Penteli, Agios Nikolaos Kallision Boulder 2019-04-19
Red point
Red point
Daddy full, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Manitari
The full line is now complete. I envisioned it many many years ago, but I did not commit to the 38-40 move boulder problem until this year. Pumpy as hell, with an additional crux in the end, it is possibly the longest line I have ever tried.
7A Mt Penteli, Manitari Boulder 2018-02-04
FA Red point
FA Red point
Daddy pull, sds
6C+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Manitari
The crux is not to get pumped...
6C+ Mt Penteli, Manitari Boulder 2018-01-30
FA Red point
FA Red point
DeLonghi, sds
7C+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Manitari
2nd ascent. Pure and stunning line. Big and powerful first move followed by a few easier ones. Suited my style perfectly. It took me 3-4 sessions.
7C (7C+) Mt Penteli, Manitari Boulder 2018-01-26
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Intercooler, sds, rl
7C Boulder at Mt Penteli, Manitari
The long awaited prime conditions arrived today and definitely made the difference. All star line - one of the best in Attica. And the lesson learnt: always rely on your own beta first...
7C Mt Penteli, Manitari Boulder 2018-01-18
Red point
Red point
Daddy cool, sds
6C Boulder at Mt Penteli, Manitari
Fun warm-up climb...
6C Mt Penteli, Manitari Boulder 2018-01-01
FA Red point
FA Red point
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
3rd ascent. Arrived at the crag and I knew that I would send it from the first moment. The air was crisp and the wind certainly made the difference. Although the moves went fast, it took a lot of effort to keep it all together.... Considering the time and tries it took me, a 7B grade seems reasonable as well. Relieved, time to move to the real projects now...
7A+ (7A) Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2017-11-26
Red point
Red point
Parmenion, ss
7A Boulder at Agriliki
Hard first crimpy move and lovely slopers for the topout. Another good one. 3rd ascent.
7A+ (7A) Agriliki Boulder 2017-10-29
Red point
Red point
Checkmate, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa
2nd ascent of this project from the past. Very nice moves on some of the best quality rock Penteli has to offer.
7A Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa Boulder 2017-08-31
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Tanalias, sds
6B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa
6B if you take the exit straight up and 6B+ if you take the right exit of checkmate...
6B+ (6B) Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa Boulder 2017-08-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Apocalypse, ss
6A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa
Tall and scary...
6A Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa Boulder 2017-08-21
FA Red point
FA Red point
Kouklitsa, sds
5 Boulder at Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa
5 Mt Penteli, Lykotrypa Boulder 2017-08-21
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Orizontas, ss, rl
7A Mt Penteli, Prasinos Vraxos Boulder 2017-07-09
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Pogito, sds
6C+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Hard final move and definitely not the coolest one, but it was great to master it in the end.
7A (6C+) Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2017-04-27
Red point
Red point
Choco Flute, sds
7B Boulder at Tinos - Kakia Skala
Probably the best line the sector has to offer. Congratulations to the restless boulderer, Antoine Sovatzalle, for discovering and cleaning this gem.
7B Tinos - Kakia Skala Boulder 2017-04-13
Red point
Red point
Dynamometro, sds
Walked alone under the boulder and sent it from the sit start in a few tries. I have to admit that it felt easier today, but this is just the result of many many days of hard work. Definitely not my style, but I am glad to put this one to rest. Post break ascent.
7B+ Mt Penteli, Prasinos Vraxos Boulder 2017-01-15
Red point
Red point
Grifos, sds, lr
7B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Krisfigeto
No topout and kind of a custom line, however it was worth the fight. Changing a foothold definitely made the difference, but that is the beauty of bouldering. It's all in the details.
7B+ (7B) Mt Penteli, Krisfigeto Boulder 2016-10-30
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Tinos - Xinara
6C Tinos - Xinara Boulder 2016-09-10
Red point
Red point
Exei o kairos gyrismata, sds
6C+ Boulder at Tinos - Paradise
Beautiful addition at the old sector that I visited for the first time. Huge potential nearby...
6C+ Tinos - Paradise Boulder 2016-05-03
FA Red point
FA Red point
El Matador, ss, lr
6B+ Boulder at Tinos - Xinara
6B+ Tinos - Xinara Boulder 2016-05-02
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Let's put a smile on that face, sds
7B+ Boulder at Tinos - Xinara
Amazing climb on my nameday...probably the most aesthetic line on the island. 2nd session on this 5 star line...
7B+ Tinos - Xinara Boulder 2016-05-02
Red point
Red point
Speak off the Devil and he shall appear, ss
7A Boulder at Tinos - Xinara
Ackward moves, but a very characteristic line...
6C+ (7A) Tinos - Xinara Boulder 2016-05-02
Red point
Red point
Deja vu
6A Boulder at Tinos-Trinity sector
6A Tinos-Trinity sector Boulder 2016-04-30
FA Flash
FA Flash
Brain damage, sds
6C+ Boulder at Agriliki
6C (6C+) Agriliki Boulder 2015-12-20
Red point
Red point
Fat Max, sds
7B Boulder at Agriliki
Tried it in one session last year and send it first session this year. The first move is a pain in the butt.
7B Agriliki Boulder 2015-11-01
Red point
Red point
Inquisitive brusher
6C Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
Nice old one. Felt close to the first try this time.
6C Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-10-28
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Apnoia, sds, lr
7A+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
Once again, I had to fight in order to place the left heel-toe hook precisely. At least this was the case for the enormous foot size of mine.
7B (7A+) Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-10-28
Red point
Red point
To Mperdema, sds
5+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
5+ Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-10-25
FA Red point
FA Red point
Southern comfort, sds
5 Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
5 Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-10-25
FA Flash
FA Flash
Donut Optimistic, sds lr
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
Nice endurance line with a high topout.
7A Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-10-25
Red point
Red point
Apnoia direct, sds
7B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
After an A2 pulley tear and numerous attempts over the last few years it feels great to get it done. Did not think about falling on the topout. The true fight was against the conditions over the last season... Luckily, today it was windy and cold...just a perfect day at the crag that I will always remember!
7B Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-10-15
Red point
Red point
Σημείο Γ, sds
Finally this thing went down! I' m glad it's over and that the sector is finished. Feels harder for taller guys. 3rd ascent.
7A+ (7A) Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-09-16
Red point
Red point
Παραλλακτικός συλλογισμός, sds
7A+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
Amazing line. Did it using only the holds of the original line. Easier solution now that the stone underneath is gone. Props to Nick for the FA and his solution which felt definitely harder...
7A+ Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-08-27
Red point
Red point
Shower of gold, sds
6A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2015-08-23
Red point
Red point
Leap of Faith, ss
6C Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
One of the best dynos I have done! You need to adjust hands-feet positions. Maybe 6C+.
6C Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2015-08-23
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Cheat of Faith, ss
6B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
6B Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2015-08-23
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Το πέταγμα του γρύλου, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
Kind of necessity while working the entire line. Now that the rock underneath is gone, it stands as a problem of its own.
7A Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-08-07
FA Red point
FA Red point
Tyrila, ss
6B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Required some more cleaning and it went much easier than initially considered.
6B Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2015-07-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Efialtis, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
That's a proper highball with terrible landing.Difficult at the bottom tricky at the top.The name stands up for the experience. All star tribe ascent...
7A Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-07-23
Red point
Red point
Pioneros aeros, sds
6C Boulder at Mt Penteli, Iero
6C Mt Penteli, Iero Boulder 2015-07-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
Footless Mary says LoL, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Aspros
7A Mt Penteli, Aspros Boulder 2015-07-02
Red point
Red point
Nekrothaftis, sds
6A+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Aspros
6A+ Mt Penteli, Aspros Boulder 2015-06-20
Red point
Red point
Gounaki, sds
6B Boulder at Mt Penteli, Aspros
6B Mt Penteli, Aspros Boulder 2015-06-20
Red point
Red point
The Vitruvian Man, sds
6C Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-06-14
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Ksedontiaris, ss
4 Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-06-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
Sakatis, ss
5 Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-06-06
FA Flash
FA Flash
Cyclops, sds
4 Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-06-06
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Achilleios Pterna, sds
6C Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-05-29
FA Red point
FA Red point
Ellinikos, ss
5+ Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-05-29
FA Flash
FA Flash
Frapes, ss
5 Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-05-29
FA Flash
FA Flash
Fredo, ss
6A+ Mt Penteli, Ghost boulders Boulder 2015-05-29
FA Red point
FA Red point
Cycles of life, sds
7A Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Beautiful arete with the full package, from slopers to small crimp holds... Technical, but also dynamic.
7A Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2015-05-03
FA Red point
FA Red point
Totem, ss
6C+ Boulder at Mt Penteli, Radar
Low percentage move. A hard one for sure...
7A (6C+) Mt Penteli, Radar Boulder 2015-04-18
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
One way or another
6B+ Boulder at Tinos-Agia Marina
6B+ Tinos-Agia Marina Boulder 2015-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
The waves, sds, lr
7A Boulder at Tinos-Trinity sector
Very sharp holds, beatiful line though...Had to redefine the beta for the link-up.
7A Tinos-Trinity sector Boulder 2015-04-14
Red point
Red point
London weather
6C+ Boulder at Tinos-Agia Marina
6C+ Tinos-Agia Marina Boulder 2015-04-14
FA Red point
FA Red point
Tea Party
7A+ Boulder at Tinos - Kakia Skala
Finally managed to adapt to the rock and send... A hard one...
7A+ Tinos - Kakia Skala Boulder 2015-04-13
Red point
Red point
Over the fence
6B Boulder at Tinos-Trinity sector
6B Tinos-Trinity sector Boulder 2015-04-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
Tilecanivalos, sds
6C+ Boulder at Tinos-Trinity sector
6C+ Tinos-Trinity sector Boulder 2015-04-11
Red point
Red point