
Yearly top 10 averages
7c+ 0 0 0 0 0
7c 1 0 0 1 0
7b+ 2 0 0 2 0
7b 5 1 0 4 0
7a+ 11 0 1 10 0
7a 1 0 0 1 0
6c+ 4 0 0 4 0
6c 2 2 0 0 0
6b+ 5 3 2 0 0
6b 0 0 0 0 0
6a+ 1 0 1 0 0
6a 3 2 1 0 0
5+ 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
4+ 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 0 1 0 0
3+ 0 0 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Super short, one big throw that's kinda hard. 2 goes
7a+ Red Rocks - Cannibal Crag Sport 2013-03-22
Red point
Red point
Fear this Sport
7b Sport at Cannibal Crags
7b Cannibal Crags Sport 2013-03-21
Red point
Red point
New wave hookers
7b+ Sport at Red Rocks
The crux is pulling onto the jugs to start the damn thing...used someone else's crash pads. 4 goes
7b (7b+) Red Rocks Sport 2013-03-19
Red point
Red point
Caustic Cock
6c Sport at Cannibal Crags
Absolutely amazing line! Suits my style perfectly.
6c Cannibal Crags Sport 2013-03-17
The Prophet
7b Sport at Red Rocks
Really great climb, super steep. Would like to try the more direct line up the slopey column. 3 goes
7b Red Rocks Sport 2013-03-14
Red point
Red point
Monkey Bar Traverse
7B Boulder at Kraft Boulders
I did this, but started on the lowest rail and stayed low..confusing
7B Kraft Boulders Boulder 2013-03-09
Red point
Red point
Straight Outta Compton
7c Sport at The Hood
Very bouldery, thanks to some beta from mike doyle, was able to figure out the "iron-cross" crux
7c The Hood Sport 2012-08-25
Red point
Red point
Deep End 
6c Sport at American Fork Canyon
6c American Fork Canyon Sport 2012-08-05
Bathtub Mary
6b+ Sport at Muir Valley
Great route, loved every bit of it.
6b+ Muir Valley Sport 2012-05-20
Super Best Friends
7b Sport at Muir Valley
Really fun, suits my style well.
7b Muir Valley Sport 2012-05-20
Wolverine hold is sick!
7a+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2012-05-19
Primus Noctum
Should've flashed, had I done the heel hook at the crux.
7a (7a+) Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2012-04-22
Red point
Red point
Immaculate Deception
7a+ Sport at Muir Valley
Boulder problem took me a couple tries to figure out, kinda hard for shorter people. Surprised how easy the rest of it was.
7a (7a+) Muir Valley Sport 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
Daily Dick Dose
7B Boulder at North Mountain
Worked out the beta one afternoon, and returned the next day to send it second go!
7B North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-24
Red point
Red point
Melon Patch
4 Boulder at North Mountain
Did it in the tennies.
4 North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-23
Be Flat
6B+ Boulder at North Mountain
Not as painful as See Sharp, which I sadly did not get.
6B+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-22
Mexican Chicken
7A+ Boulder at North Mountain
So cool to have sent this in front of Ashima, Jason Kehl, and Obe Carrion!
7A+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-22
Red point
Red point
Lobster Claw
6C+ Boulder at North Mountain
6C+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-21
Red point
Red point
Sign of the Cross
6A+ Boulder at North Mountain
6A+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-20
Girls of Juarez
6B+ Boulder at North Mountain
Fun, and tricky last hold before the lip.
6B+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-20
Girls of Texas
6C+ Boulder at North Mountain
2nd Go, thanks to Nathan for the crucial pointing out of the left foot.
7A (6C+) North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-20
Red point
Red point
Short Order Cook
7A+ Boulder at North Mountain
Sent 3rd go after figuring out which pockets worked the best
7A+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-20
Red point
Red point
Nobody Here Gets Out Alive
6A Boulder at North Mountain
6A North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-20
See Spot Run
7A+ Boulder at North Mountain
Didn't think I would send, but did so on my last burn!
7A+ North Mountain Boulder 2012-03-19
Red point
Red point
Magnum opus
7a+ Sport at Muir Valley
Another near-flash. Probably one of the easier 12a's in my opinion with a very early "crux".
7a+ Muir Valley Sport 2011-11-19
Red point
Red point
Where's the Beef?
Huge mental battle with this one. Had to tweak my beta to finally get past the lip without pumping myself out from campusing the roof.
7b+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2011-11-19
Red point
Red point
Almost flashed this one, probably one of the cooler sequences when you transition to the main wall from the slab. Def. way better than what I was expecting!
7a+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2011-11-13
Red point
Red point
Beta-vul Pipeline
Super fun jug haul to a sequency crux at the top, with a deceptively hard sloper holds at the anchor. Found a left crimp that made it less desparate than the first attempt.
7a+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2011-09-17
Red point
Red point
Check your grip
First 12! Cool semi-sloper sequence with good holds and rests. Had part waswhen a bug landed in my eye, and the sun was directly above me, added a bit of a challenge on the redpoint!
7a+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2011-09-17
Red point
Red point
6a Sport at Muir Valley
Why did I get suckered into warming up on slab?
6a Muir Valley Sport 2011-03-12
Amarillo Sunset
Underestimated this one. Anchors were kinda hard to clip for me, couldn't reach the good pocket, had to clip from the low undercling.
6c+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2011-03-12
Red point
Red point
The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber
6a Sport at Muir Valley
Super Fun!
6a Muir Valley Sport 2010-03-12
100 Years of Solitude
6b+ Sport at Muir Valley
Honestly one of the more sketch first bolts. Being a little bit short makes you have to climb out onto the crimps with minimal feet to hang first draw. Cool though!
6b+ Muir Valley Sport 2010-03-12
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
6c+ Sport at Muir Valley
Pretty pumpy. Super dumb moment-went to the wrong anchors on the first go haha.
6c+ Muir Valley Sport 2010-03-12
Red point
Red point
Not sure why I tried some crazy weird beta at the lip.
7a Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2010-03-12
Red point
Red point
6b+ Pendergrass Murray Recreational Preserve Sport 2010-03-12