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Crushinator SS, 7B+
Added by
Joe Dobson
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Joe Dobson
Red point

Gareth Gear
Red point
Hmm again not too sure about the start to this. Started spanned out with RH on far left of good ramp and LH on the left hand side of the prow. Lots of slapping then get to where the stand starts. Not tall enough to reach the back with my height surely??? Excellent nonetheless.

Tom Greenall
Red point
Cool fridge hugging that caused the loss of a tip on the rough LHS. No real idea where this starts so I started on the rail.

Nick Bradley
Red point
From the jug rail as the hold further back were a bit damp and besides it's a right arse scraper. About 7B from the jug. Good problem up a nice feature.
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