No special access issues

🚗 Driving:
From Fayetteville, turn right onto US-19N and drive north for 17 miles, crossing over two beautiful bridges. When you get to the first stoplight, make a left onto WV-129. In 3 miles, drive over the Summersville Dam, then make your second left at the sign that says "Gauley River Access" (the first left is the ranger station parking lot). Follow the road as it switches back down the hill and into the parking lot at the bottom. Drive past the bathrooms (closed in the winter), through the campground and behind the pit toilets to park in the corner of the lot, next to, but not blocking, the gate. Total driving time is 25 minutes from Fayetteville.

From Summersville (starting at Walmart) head south on 19 for 8.4 miles onto WV-129. Follow the remainder of the directions above. Total driving time is 20 minutes.

🚶‍♂️Hiking Directions:
Walk through the gate behind the pit toilets and into the access road and clearings. This is the same trail used to reach most of the Summersville Dam boulders. As of fall 2022 this is being converted into more camping sites. After 0.35 miles (about 8 minutes walk) the road will narrow and a right fork appears, heading slightly uphill. Take this right fork. Follow the trail for another 0.15 miles (0.5 miles total, about 13 minutes total walking) where you will find the Insurrection Boulder, immediately trail side. A drainage with stair-stepped rocks is about 50ft after the Insurrection Boulder. To get to the Wonka Roof, follow the main trail from the Insurrection Boulder another 0.3 miles (about 8 minutes) until you reach the social trail for the Wonka Cave that heads directly up hill, perpendicular the man trail. A boulder sector marker and images of the social trail are included on the map and in the topo, to aid in finding this trail as it is not well marked. A small hemlock with flaking bark is the marker, a photo of the hemlock is under the topo section. Total distance from the parking lot to the turn for the Wonka Cave is 0.8 miles, about 20 minutes total walking. For the Lateral Collateral Boulder, continue past the turn for the Wonka Cave another 0.35 miles (1.15 miles total distance from parking, about 30 minutes total walking) until coming upon another trail side boulder. "Lateral Collateral" is on the far face, on the downstream side using the Gauley River for reference. The approach is mostly flat ATV roads, often with downed trees to navigate. The Wonka Cave involves a steep, poorly maintained trail up to the cliff line at the end. Total hiking time: 13-20 minutes.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email