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Wiesenttal - Schottersmühle

Climbing has been limited!

⛔️ 🦅
"Gelber Turm" is closed from 1st of February until 30th of June due to bird breeding

Don't block the parking of the restaurant. Park very left at the street.

The crag is located around the mill Schottersmühle 1.8 km south of the hamlet Doos in the valley of the Wiesent river. Coming from Hollfeld/Waischenfeld drive down St2191 towards Behringersmühle. Then parking is to your left. Approaching from South, drive up Wiesent vally from Behringersmühle and go towards Waischenfeld. Parking is 3.1 km up the road to your right.

Kalte Wand:
Follow the street towards Behringersmühle and take the foot path with the fixed rope just after toe rock right of the street. It leads to the sector.

Cross the river via the hiking trail and turn right. Take the steep hiking trail immediately to your left leading up the hill. After you've passed two big blocks take a small foot path to your right, that's leading to the crag after 80 meters.

Gelber Turm:
Cross the river via the hiking trail and turn right. After 185 meters there's a small foot path to your left leading to the base of the wall. Keep left along the wall and go around up on the top to get to the tower.

Cross the river via the hiking trail and turn right. After 250 meters there's a steep foot path to your left leading to a cave. If you pass the cave or go through it, you get to the upper sector. The lower sector is right to the cave.