Here climbing is possible the whole year round, as well. The north facing "Kalte Wand" is ideal for hot summer days. The opposite "Wintergarten" gets a lot of sun and is quite exposed.
While "Kalte Wand" stays wet for several days the opposite sector "Wintergarten"dries very fast. Same at the upper tower of "Gelber Turm" and "Magdalenenwand"
Mostly slight overhanging or vertical climbing on pockets and crimps. The Tower of "Gelber Turm" offers classic bad protected climbs and one rebolted classic.
Once you get your kid(s) to the crag, "Wintergarten" is well suited, as well as "Kalte Wand".
Accommodation you'll find in Waischenfeld. Restaurants are in Waischenfeld up north or in Behringersmühle/Gößweinstein down south the river. Hopefully the mill Schottersmühle opens again after corona-lockdown so you'll have a good beer garden close by.
Swimming pool are located in Waischenfeld and Gößweinstein.
💎 Goodies
- Alte Talseite
- Kalter König
- Cool Runnings
- Schneekönigin
- Cold as Ice
- Like Ice in the sunshine
- Trinity
- Starkstrom
- Intercooler