Bagheeran vappuhulinat, 7A
Sistart from corner, follow line towards the two obvious holds and straight up.
Added by
Mikael Uponen
Grade opinions
Ascents from public tick lists

Mikael Uponen
Red point
Climbs well and when it went it felt quite easy and this was kind of a weak day, feel free to downgrade if it's soft? Have no clue about the grade. One day however it will be harder when the left sider/pinch breaks! :)
Sami Saxell
Red point

Juha Paatinen
Red point

Antti Virtavuo
Red point

Esa Kytölä
Red point

Oskar Karlsson
Red point
Public to-do list entries
Sit start, right hand on good sider, left on small crimp, left foot higher and right near ground. Get up, move left, take under-hold with left hand, reach up with right hand. Lift right foot slightly higher, jam left foot in crack on left, twist knee in to the right to keep foot in the crack. Reach up to left hand hold, grab it without index finger so that you can pinch it with thumb. Lift right foot higher under face, then left onto small hold on face. Dead-point to sloper with right hand, fix if necessary. Lift right foot on face (or not), dead-point to sloper-pinch on left with left hand. Match, lift right foot higher, continue to left with hands. Hook on sloper-pinch and roll on top. (Or just use the holds on the left.)
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