UNLOCK Stora Tjälleskär Premium

UNLOCK Stora Tjälleskär Premium
With Stora Tjälleskär Premium you get:

- 94 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
- 26 high quality topo images
- 11 sectors with extra details
- Unlimited access to all the other 4172 Premium crags around the world
- Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
The area is access sensitive!
Rules of Kosterhavet National Park
To avoid disturbing sensitive wildlife and to ensure the enjoyment of visitors there are certain regulations.
Within the National Park it is not permitted to
• dig up plants
• introduce non-native species or populations to the area
• bring dogs which are not on a lead
• start a fire other than at the specially designated places
• cycle or operate motor vehicles other than on roads
• remove or rearrange stones
• collect oysters
• hunt
• camp on Sydkoster or camp between the hours of 10.00 and 18.00 on Tenholmarna, Burholmen, Bockholmen, Store Bror between the 1st July and 15th August. In general camping is only allowed for a maximum of two days in a row at the same place
• pull up, moor boats or lay anchor closer than 50 metres from sandy beaches. Canoes and kayaks can be pulled up onto the beaches if they do not block the swimming areas
• moor or lay anchor for more than two days in a row at the same place
• allow engines to idle and use motorised generators
• drive motorised vehicles within zone A faster than 5 knots between the 15th May and 31st August
• drive motorised vehicles within zone B other than to and from mooring sites
• within seal and bird protection areas disembark onto islands and islets and stay within 100 metres of islands and islets, with the exception of marked routes. The seal protection areas apply 15th May–15th July. The bird protection areas apply: Mörholmen 1st April–15th July, Store Snart, Käbblingarna/Lerskär 1st April–31st July and Torgrimmen 1st April–15th August
• take off or land any airborne craft or fly over the area at an altitude of less than 300 metres
• within areas where the sea bed is protected lay anchor, use scraping or other equipment or methods which can damage the seabed
• without the permission of the County Administrative Board undertake scientific studies or collect red-listed marine species
• organise competitions, set up camps or other organised events with more than 20 participants before consultation with the County Administrative