Start up Lurcher and finish up Lurch.
Traverse the high crackline to the arete, drop down and traverse the shorter breakline back on yourself.
CD B13 P5 & TC A13 P1
Go dynamic to the top via the cracks.
CD B13 P6 & TC A13 P2
committing due to uneven ground.
Start on Lurch, finish up Lurcher
From the large slot gain the hole and crimp out right to gain the top.
CD B13 P7 & TC A13 P3
The wall just left of the arete to a committing mantle.
CD B13 P8 & TC A13 P4
The right arete climbed on its LHS
CD B13 P9 & TC A13 P5
The faint rib feature on the RHS of the corner
Climb the Prow feature from standing.
No bridging and no wall to the right.
CD B13 P14