UNLOCK Saltö naturreservat Premium

UNLOCK Saltö naturreservat Premium
With Saltö naturreservat Premium you get:

- 28 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
- 12 high quality topo images
- 3 sectors with extra details
- Unlimited access to all the other 4106 Premium crags around the world
- Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
The area is access sensitive!
You are welcome to visit the Saltö nature reserve, but keep in mind that it is not allowed to: dig up plants camping, spending the night or setting up a caravan/mobile home in the entire nature reserve and in an organized parking lot during the period July 1-August 15, park for longer than a continuous period of 24 hours park other than in a parking space specially organized by the County Administrative Board bring an off-leash dog make fires other than in designated and prepared places ride a bicycle or drive a motorized vehicle other than on designated roads remove or move stone mooring and anchoring in a natural harbor in the same place for more than 2 consecutive days idling the engine and using the engine-driven charging unit take off or land by aircraft.