Oblasť sa nachádza 2 km od obce Muráň v Hrdzavej doline. Tvoria ju tri skalné bloky (veže) nachádzajúce sa na dne doliny na pravej strane za potokom. Prístupná je po lesnej ceste, ktorou vedie žltá turistická značka na Nižnú Kľakovú. Oblasť je vhodná na horuce leto. Nakoľko sa nachádza v lese pri potoku pri nízkej lezeckej aktivite ľahko zarastá machom.
The area is located 2 km from the village of Muráň in Hrdzava dolina. It consists of three rock blocks (towers) located at the bottom of the valley on the right side behind the stream. It is accessible by a forest road, which is followed by a yellow tourist sign to Nižná Kľaková. The area is suitable for hot summer. As it is located in the forest by the stream, it easily becomes overgrown with moss when there is little climbing activity.