⛔⛔⛔The area is for the moment completely closed, let's let the nature take a break and recover.⛔⛔⛔
The very quiet cousin, but there are some high quality problems around in this sector as well. There is also a slightly lichened AD orange circuit. The circuit can't though be recommended to beginners, the first boulder of the circuit makes sure most will understand this (6m high). But around the blue path there are plenty of nice boulders to try in almost the entire grade range.
The area because of its orientation can be very nice on a warmer day. The cave of Beatrix will offer some chillier temps and a lot of the other problems also face north.
The area is very quiet, maybe just some hikers on the blue hiking path.
Some high class problems for example would be:
Manimal 8A+
Label Étoilé assis 7B+
Lea 7B
Sankookaï 7A+
Veni/Vici 7A
Damoiselle Béatrix 5+ *ROOF* + all the new problems in the same roof!
It's best to stick to the blue path when walking with pads, locate your problem first and then find the best way in. Not always that obvious. Also, there ain't that good reception, so offline mode is recommended.