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Høyspenning i Bissa, 7C+
Added by
King Ho Wong
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King Ho Wong
Red point
Sweeeeeeeeet! Managed to fall off four times at the exact same 6Aish-move after the crux last time I tried this gem... This time we arrived at Høyspenning exhausted after trying Mathematica for 2-3 hours first :P This time I could barely do the crux move, but when I first stuck it, I topped out the boulder, haha, climbing is so strange sometimes :P Difficult to grade because the crux move is so specific, but what does it matter when the boulder is so nice? Thanks to Øyvind for cleaning this right version of the line, and Kenneth for the FA! I also need to thank T-Rex for his patience, support and microbeta, I couldn't have done it without you, T! The direct version next! :D
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