Riippuvat puutarhat variaatio, 6a
Added by Sampsa Jyrkynen
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Climbed a variation because the original route was covered with bird poo: straight up from the big roof to the smaller roof, past the small roof from left side and up to the top by following the crack. Nice, airy and clean!
Jouko Järnefelt
Hugo Rauhamaa
Natalie K
Top rope
Konsta Kukkonen
Awesome climbing all the way! Strong recommendation. Haven't done the original but it feels like short finger crack into an airy topout is more fun than climbing through a birds nest. :) The dihedral at the beginning was the crux for me.
Dave Smith
I think this was the first time doing the variation. I did the original in 2001. Interestingly the line marked here is not the same as that drawn in older topo's, including the original Suomen Alppikerho topo published in 1992. In those the variation route is marked as going right under the first roof (6-) to a belay on the ledge, then back left into the short corner and second roof (6-). To my mind the variation combination marked here is the best line going left through both roofs. With suitable care and long slings it can be done as one pitch without too much rope drag. Nice route and great exposure over the second roof.

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