UNLOCK Odyssey Premium

UNLOCK Odyssey Premium
With Odyssey Premium you get:

- 140 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
- 8 high quality topo images
- 2 sectors with extra details
- Unlimited access to all the other 4239 Premium crags around the world
- Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
The area is access sensitive!
Odyssey is the north facing crag on the hillside opposite Kasteli.
If you are walking take the rough track on the right about 1/2 km past Elena village hotel, this leads up to a concrete road with some new build houses.
If on a scooter keep going until the road bends sharply to the right at Kasteli, immediately after the stone walls of the house is a sharp right U turn up a steep ramp to a concrete road.(It is probably best to go past and make a U turn to access from the opposite direction.) Continue on for about 200m until you reach the big boulder where the trail begins. Follow the trail leftwards until you arrive at the crag.
New houses along this road are putting up signs saying private road, no access to climbing areas. Please park with care to avoid any issues in the future.
Aegean sea wall is reached by walking the full length of Odyssey crag then follow markers towards school sector up and to the right are large orange cairns taking you to the crag.