El Galliner
20 routes on 2 topos
El Penitent La Pasquala
54 routes on 9 topos
Kale Brroka
34 routes on 10 topos
L'Agulla de Cinquantenari
25 routes on 4 topos
Roquer del Penitent
123 routes on 10 topos
Sector Còsmic
24 routes on 1 topo
P5: This is the major parking area for Penitent La Pascuala and Roquer del Penitent. 4x4 necessary to reach it!
P2. Beyond this the track deteriorates and usually needs a 4x4 vehicle.
P3. Parking for 2 or 3 vehicles on the verge of the track, but a 4x4 is necessary to reach it.
P4. Useful for Sector Còsmic and also as an alternative to P5 for reaching Penitent La Pascuala and Roquer del Penitent. 4 x 4 required.
El Penitent
General marker for the crag