Tatu Tyyskä2 years ago
There is a very active beehive in the beginning of the route making it impossible to climb atm. 8.12.22.

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The Kid, 7c
Technical, pumpy towards the second part, boulder finish.
Added by Micha Schreiber
Grade opinions
Shake well before pulling the long moves on the top.
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Théophile Ruzicka
Théophile Ruzicka
Red point
Amazing line! Power endurance to the top with long moves on good holds.2nd 7c in the day, cool way to end the year :)
Jaakko Pellikka
Red point
One of the best sport routes i've done

Public to-do list entries

Henri Kellock
Written after more than a week after two tries on the route: Climb first couple of bolts to restful jugs before tufa section. When leaving the rest, cross right hand to left-most jug and lift right foot to holds on the left and then reach for the slopy tufa with left hand, left foot to the left of the tufa. Take the small right hand undercling as a two-finger pocket and gradually lift feet and left hand along tufa. Take next undercling with right hand and continue up the tufa with left hand until you reach the small bulgy bit before it gets wider. Lift feet as high as possible, continue to right side of juggy undercling with right hand, pinch it and lift feet higher until the undercling get better. Match to undercling, shake right hand quickly, clip draw below waist with left hand, shake again. Lift left foot higher and deadpoint to sharp pinch with right hand, hold it. Lift feet to the right and get ready for deadpointing from undercling to crimpy hold next to the bolt above the bulge. Do it. Take the swing by concentrating on right foot, then use left foot to move right foot onto better hold slightly higher. Match hands, lift right foot onto worn crimp, continue to jug on the left with left hand. Breath, shake, get ready to clip. Focus on body tension between left hand and right foot while clipping last bolt before the anchor. Take another rest, shake that pump off. Where are all the good footholds?! Stop 'resting'. Go for that awesome sharp crimp with left hand, lift right foot high onto the bulgy bit and continue with right hand onto the bad crimp on the right. Pull weight up and match left hand to even worse crimp, continue with right hand to tufa, pinch it on the top. Reach up high to left hand pinch, then match feet and turn body so that right foot is ready to propel you to those last sharp holds. Reach with right hand while pushing with legs, than match to the sharp jug below the anchor. Use feet to keep weight balanced to the right while clipping anchor.