UNLOCK La Dopamina Premium

UNLOCK La Dopamina Premium
With La Dopamina Premium you get:

- 72 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
- 41 high quality topo images
- 17 sectors with extra details
- Unlimited access to all the other 4172 Premium crags around the world
- Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
The area is access sensitive!
The Parking possibilities to access La Dopamina are the same as the ones for El Anfibio or Manjus Place. Parking only on marked parkings, don't block any field entrances or if parking at main road, don't block passages to houses! Please respect the locals by acting quiet when climbing and never leave any traces behind! It is very important to keep this area clean, not upset neighbours and respect the rules.
Use only already existing tracks.
From Manjus Place parking lot: As the dry riverbed is the border to the sector Manjus Place, it is a good way up to La Dopamina. At the lower end of the dried riverbed Hidden Gem is located, than go it straight up and cross over to the right following the motorcross "highway"
From El Anfibio parking lot: Follow the way which leads towards the river, but bevor climbing down in the valley, continue walking on top of the stunning amphitheater looking like structure on top of the valley and then you are there. The blocks yet established are behinde the edge of the hill. (As hints we made some cairns)