Sitstart on the good ledge-hold (same as for "Alla är bakfulla"). Climb straight the overhanging wall with quite physical moves. Beware of a somewhat loose hold on the finish.
Sitdown start on the north face by the obvious ledge system. Traverse L-R (take care when passing the stone), eventually joining Le Grand Deluxe with a cool move.
Sitdown start on the north face by the obvious ledge system. Traverse L-R (take care when passing the stone), eventually joining Le Grand Deluxe with a cool move.
The right-hand side arete on the north face. Start at your right and traverse the rising arete leftwards, finishing on the far left. Not so hard but quite an intimidating high problem.
A nice, easier variation to the full traverse (project). Start roughly in the middle, just left of the right-slanting micro dihedral feature. Traverse left.
The excellent razor-sharp right hand side arete on the south face. Quite tall. Descent via leaning stone on east face or jump off 8.2. Possibly a bit easier.