Andreas Andersson U 10 months ago
YOU SHOULD NOT GO A COUPLE OF METERS TO YOUR LEFT AND RAPPEL, I DID SO AND WHERE FORCED INTO CLIMBING BACK UP 50M AMONGST LOOSE ROCK ECT, because that ledge and heart scrapped in the rock is not down there? After reading in the book and 27c, the crag etc. It seems you are supposed to continue over the edge past the last anchor without any protection and scramble left to find that heart scrapped in a rock? But honestly don't really know if that info is true either, seems to me having a guide would come in handy if safety is your priority. Anyway best of luck and God bless!
Alexander Lillehed5 months ago
When you get to the top and walk a couple of meters you have the rappell rings to the right on the wall(they quite hard to see). After the rappel is a quite sketchy scramble until you get to the hiking trail that's leads you down behind the mountain. You can see the red trail in maps on 27crag.

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Lluvia de Asteroides, 5+
An airy and exposed adventure! 8 pitches. P1: 5+ 30 m | P2: 5+ 30 m| P3: 5 34 m| P4: 5+ 40 m | P5: 4 22 m| P6: 5 30 m| P7: 5 30 m| P8: 4+ 35 m. Start: Look for a cordellette thread-through (the first protection of the route) and the route name scraped in the rock. Descent: A bit tricky route, but from summit anchor head some meters left and perform a 35 meter rappel to a ledge. (Abseil point market with a heart scratched on the rock.) From here continue carefully scrambling towards the Amptrax sector until you see some route markers and reach the hill that takes you to the Amptrax descent. Follow the piles of rocks marking the path! NOTE: Rappelling down the route is NOT recommended!
Added by Joanne Lee
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