Amptrax, 6a
The absolute El Chorro classic is a beatiful and physical multi-pitch outing of 9 pitches, though already a bit worn. Sustained and tough for the grade. Originally bolted until the roof, requiring some trad gear but now fully bolted. Anchors rebolted in 2020.
P1: 3 (scramble to the top of the pillar) | P2: 5+ | P3: 5+ | P4: 6a | P5: 6a | P6: 6a (traverse to the right) | P7: 5+ | P8: 4+ (abseil from here or continue for the walking descent) | P9: 3.
Descent: Walk down the back of the face (see map), or rappel down "Ebola" 6b, from the anchor of P8.
Added by
Anna Sjöman
Grade opinions
Video beta
The second pitch of Amptrax
Markus Kitunen over 1 year ago.
El Chorro, Spain. March 2011
Julian Nobody over 12 years ago.
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