Kerjäläisten Valtakunta, 7a
High quality! The tree "behind the climber´s back" is no longer there.
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Peter Hammer
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Rami Haakana
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Jussi Salojärvi
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Lasse Nuutinen
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Aikaa ja tahtoa odotellessa.
Bolting in 1998 was quite different from today. Bolted in 2012 there would propably be 1 bolt about 1m before the ledge. If somebody would clean the start properly, that would help, too. I cleaned it 14 years ago but it seems to be quite dirty again.
Yes, anything can happen. But I think that's one fact you got to accept in life.
I still think adding one bolt in the beginning would be a good idea. Here's my reasoning:
Surely a human life is a permanent danger. But is it rational to take unnecessary additional risks if you can avoid them? I can't imagine why anyone training climbing seriously wants to take such risks. That's none of my business, though. Everyone is, of course, free to decide what risks to take. But it goes the other way around too: Why would anyone want to put others to take that kind of risk against their will? There are so few quality 7a sport routes near Helsinki, that this is in fact the case here (this is by no means an accusation; I understand that bolting was quite different in 1998). The situation is a take-it-or-leave-it.
It seems possible to devide climbers into two groups: those who think that climbing is inherently dangerous as it also should be (A); and those who want to climb safe not taking unnecessary risks (B). If I have understood it correctly, climbers in group A enjoy taking risks and for them too good protection spoils some of the enjoyment of climbing. I think the optimal situation would be that in which both groups can get what they want. A good way to accomplish this is to put the first bolt quite high. Group A climbers may climb the beginning without protection and group B climbers may pre-clip the first bolt.
I'm not after a massive rebolting of old routes. Kerjäläisten Valtakunta is a special case because it's a superb route in which the first bolt is so high that pre-clipping is extremely difficult. In order to make the situation optimal for both A and B groups of climbers, I think, one bolt should be added at about 1 m before the ledge--then everyone could choose if they want to climb the beginning protected or not.
Rami Hovi -just go and add the loop for yourself and send the beauty! Remove the loop afterwards. Most climbers have cordelettes and such they can use if need for these things. No need to leave it there.
edit: I noticed you did tick it already. Good job.
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