Peter Hammer10 years ago
Joonas and myself rebolted both Burana and Charlatan 2 years ago, so they should be both nice to climb now. Jump is a variation, so bolting for that route is not an issue.
We also rebolted Juppihippipunkkari and added an extra bolt to Sledgehammer to the start. Routes can be made better by new or added bolts, on a variation it is not necessary and can spoil the clean straight line.
Rami Hovi10 years ago
Even if Jump is only a variation, it's a nice one, and it would be a lot more enjoyable with only a little modification--and I think that bolt wouldn't spoil any other route because it would be quite far from Burana and Charlatan (just above that traverse after the 2nd bolt).
Rami Hovi10 years ago
PS. Thanks for Juppihippipunkkari and Sledgehammer. They are perfect.

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Jump, 7b+
Added by Peter Hammer
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Starts from the upper ledge. Link-up starting from Burana and traversing across Charlatan then topping out via Charlatan direct finish (that was originally bolted for Jump)
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Peter Hammer
Red point
date not exact
Teemu Tapaninen
Teemu Tapaninen
Red point
Markus Lehtonen
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Samuel Hammer
Red point
Second try :( Hook slipped in flash, i was not pump at all.
Guiz Augiat
Red point
3rd go - A hand hold was wet during the 2d go :-(
Jani Lunnas
Red point
1. go

Public to-do list entries

almost made it with no jump on the second go, but it will need another trip to falkrit