No special access issues

The fastest driving directions: From the Circle K gas station in the village centre of Bø, drive on road 36 towards Seljord for about 6.3 km. You will see a suspension bridge leading over the river on your right side. Take a right turn and drive over this bridge. After the bridge, drive on the gravel road for about 500 meters. Take a left turn when the gravel road ends, and follow the road for another 2 km. You should now have the parking on your right hand side.

NOTE: The bridge is normally closed in winter and does NOT take large cars such as large vans. However, there are several alternative routes that avoid the bridge. These roads should be easy to find in a gps or on a map, and only adds a few minutes extra to the drive.

From the parking it's easy to find the different sectors. You have bouldering sectors as well as sport and trad routes both to the right and the left from the parking. Most sectors can be reached by just walking along the car road, or by following trails into the forest. Finding the sectors on the "downhill side" of the road (i.e. Gryterisset, Lektor, Postgirobygget) can be a bit tricky - it requires a short scrambe downhill, as there is no good trail to follow.

Use the map markers on 27crags to find the sectors, as they are carefully placed out to be as accurate as possible.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email