La Bèstia Parda, 8A
Added by
Dani Ferràndez
Grade opinions
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Mad Boulder almost 3 years ago.
One of the most popular boulder problems in the area of CREVILLENTE.
Javier Frances over 6 years ago.
Dani Ferràndez over 12 years ago.
Ascents from public tick lists

Dani Ferràndez
Red point
Classic. Rad hook move. Spent lots of tries to do it. Nacho Sánchez F.A. in 2007; our efforts to do it along the years have allowed us to found different easier betas than that N.S. used to do it, so i.m.o. the grade maybe more 7C+ than 8A...

Miguel Navarro
Red point

Konstantin Godorozya
Red point
Excellent, brilliant, superb. Crevillente's best. Hard complicated move. Standing on the top, couldn't believe I finally managed to do it. Took me about 3 days during my first visit to Crevillent, then 2 years wishing to come back. And finally on the second session this year everything ticked right. So happy.

Javier Frances
Red point

Max Prinz
Red point
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