Start matched on flexy jug in corner left of ELV and traverse right to the start of PO.
A training link. Starts on loose jug left of graffiti left of The Electric Lavender Vacuum Cleaner then traverses right to finish up all of Perceptive Orifices with no rest.
Receptive Orifices to 2nd bolt then right crossing PO and straight up from break past average LH sidepull. Finish at Gonads chains.
Past two bolts to the right of the large flake using a thin finger crack. Connects Perceptive Orifices at the third bolt and finish up this. A technical sequence.
Very contrived. Stick-clip Receptive Orifice's first draw, then climb the blank wall between Receptive Orifices and Perceptive Orators, using their crack's for hand and foot holds.
Start up Perceptive Orators then break left into Receptive Orifices after the first bolt and finish up this. Another link.
Up Perceptive Orators to the third bolt, then right to finish as for Elephantiasis of the Gonads.
The obvious crack to the right of Receptive Orifices past 3 bolts. Has seen a lot of hold breakage in it's lifetime, resulting the grade to flutter between 22 and 24. Currently a 23.
The line to the right of Perceptive Orators through underclings to horizontal scar, then finish up Gonads LHF to independent chains shared with Elephantiasis of the Gonads.
Up Elephantiasis of the Gonads to third bolt then break left from horizontal match into obvious side pulls to the chains.
Up Elephantiasis of the Gonads to 2nd bolt then left into Perceptive Orators and finish up this.
The thin line to the right of Perceptive Orators past three bolts.