The short left arete via good holds in groove and a thin seam on top
Start as for The Keeper but head into the groove rather than over the apex
From smiley rail and left hand Flake - gain the thin seam on the arete and finish over the apex.
As for the Keeper but eliminate the left hand Flake.
From the smile shaped rail and good right hand sidepull - climb up and through the groove
From large huecos near Right Arete head up this then trend left into the Slopey top.
SDS the right arete via huecos
SDS from the huecos holds on Petit Chou head leftwards and up into smiley rail to finish up the apex of The Keeper.
The large slab is climbed on slopers and an obvious edge to reach the hanging scoop above.
On the same slab as bad blood - rock into obvious pocket and finish up rightward