Sjön 1 / 2
  • Klättra osäkrat från blocket vid vattnet upp till tallen. Traversera V och upp i den luftiga grova sprickan i mitten av klippväggen, välsäkrat. Avsluta leden rakt upp via pockets på sva.
  • Climb out of water in the middle of the slabby wall, then step a bit to the right to find the good pockets, but not as far as the arête. Use pockets and crimps to the top. Water is quite shallow (about 2-3m?) so maybe don't fall from the top? Nice short route that will clean up well if it sees more ascents.
  • Climb out of the water, up the slabby arête on good holds to the ledge. Water potentially quite shallow. Someone has left a rope hanging down a few metres to the right.
  • Den något rundade väggen ovanför DWS turerna bakom tallen. Välsäkrad rakt upp till tallen på toppen. Använd helst inte de staplade blocken på sidorna så mycket, om möjligen som ett enklare men inte lika fint insteg. (Har soloklättrats)
Sjön 2 / 2
  • Climb out of water in the middle of the slabby wall, then step a bit to the right to find the good pockets, but not as far as the arête. Use pockets and crimps to the top. Water is quite shallow (about 2-3m?) so maybe don't fall from the top? Nice short route that will clean up well if it sees more ascents.
  • Climb out of the water, up the slabby arête on good holds to the ledge. Water potentially quite shallow. Someone has left a rope hanging down a few metres to the right.
  • After a scramble to the ledge, there is a nice climb up the slab, then up the flakey corner to the birch tree to exit. Easy climb but high consequence..

There are 1 routes that have not yet been drawn on a topo image. See full list of routes from Sjön .