
Yearly top 10 averages
7c+ 0 0 0 0 0
7c 1 0 0 1 0
7b+ 3 0 0 3 0
7b 5 2 0 3 0
7a+ 5 3 0 2 0
7a 11 6 0 5 0
6c+ 4 3 0 1 0
6c 4 4 0 0 0
6b+ 8 7 0 1 0
6b 3 3 0 0 0
6a+ 4 4 0 0 0
6a 3 3 0 0 0
5+ 4 4 0 0 0
5 2 2 0 0 0
4+ 0 0 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
7b+ Sport at Gule torsk
Some very nice climbing. A little bit of overhanging sloper/crack-climbing combined with fridge-hugging. Almost gym-like. Quite unusual. Also easy for the grade. 7a+/b? The second half is a little bit spicy with longer distances between the bolts.
7b+ Gule torsk Sport 2024-08-16
Red point
Red point
6b Sport at Gule torsk
6b Gule torsk Sport 2024-08-16
7a Sport at Smålinden
Cruxy but the upper crux is so cool.
7a Smålinden Sport 2024-07-26
Red point
Red point
6b+ Sport at Smålinden
Escapable route unfortunately. Good upper part. Harder than other routes with comparable (elevated) grades on this wall.
6a+ (6b+) Smålinden Sport 2024-07-23
7a+ Sport at Gule torsk
Hanshelleren miniature :-).
7a+ Gule torsk Sport 2024-07-20
Red point
Red point
Totala rockgalan
7a+ Sport at Gule torsk
One route, two different styles. Starts slightly akward with a tricky to clip 2nd bolt, followed by easy jugs in the overhang. After a rest an almost vertical part followes with more distance between the bolts. Not that bad, but the protruding rock/edge below is in the back of the mind whilst climbing. Could be made into a better experience by moving the second bolt and rearranging the position of the bolts in the upper part. At the upper crux climbing up to the bolt and clipping feels scary. It is tempting (and possible) to escape to the right. By changing the position of the bolts the climbing/clipping will feel more natural/relaxed.
7a+ Gule torsk Sport 2024-07-20
? (1)
6b+ Sport at Gule torsk
Very nice balancy arete-climbing. Climbs really fun from the fourth bolt on straight on the arete. The belay could have been in a better spot (2.5m higher and slightly to the left). Right now its fine for lowering, but the best climbing leads left and upwards of the belay.
6b+ Gule torsk Sport 2024-07-20
6a+ Sport at Gule torsk
Long and varied route. Has cleaned up well since it's opening. 17 draws, exemplary belay with 2 lowering off biners.
6a (6a+) Gule torsk Sport 2024-07-20
Jösse Halling breakers
7b Sport at Smålinden
Very cruxy route. Not as good as its neighbours. Loose rock in the crux section. Escapable unfortunately. The good hold after the roof/‘stretch’ has departed since. Did the direct version. 7b felt okay.
7b Smålinden Sport 2024-07-12
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Smålinden
Very cool route. Beautiful movement from start to finish. 3rd and 4th (and 5th when short) bolt are hard to clip a draw in.
7b+ Smålinden Sport 2024-07-12
Red point
Red point
La Tigress
6b Sport at Smålinden
Easy route on good rock. A bit short.
6a (6b) Smålinden Sport 2024-07-12
De vita eleganterna
7a+ Sport at Smålinden
Very onsightable fun route with the sting in the tail where you’d expect it to be.
7a+ Smålinden Sport 2024-07-09
Møms sportvariant
7a Sport at Smålinden
Very good!
7a Smålinden Sport 2024-07-07
Den sista sommaren
6a+ Sport at Smålinden
Very good and fun to climb on huge holds, except for one bit just above the middle. A bit loose sometimes.
5+ (6a+) Smålinden Sport 2024-05-22
6b+ Sport at Smålinden
Easy crimpy route on good rock, but you have to find the right holds and sequence. I’ve seen a lot of people fail to do so.
6b (6b+) Smålinden Sport 2024-05-22
7a Sport at Granitgrottan
Holy shit - not fit :-(
7a Granitgrottan Sport 2024-05-17
Red point
Red point
Erg vies vandaag en dan is het inhangen van de 4e haak tamelijk link. 't is dat ik ruim over had. Had een stuk aangenamer geweest indien H3 en H4 wat lager hadden gezeten. En dan een extra H5.
6b Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2024-04-13
Put me out of my Maizeret
De moeilijkheidsgraad wordt voor een belangrijk deel bepaald door modder en stof. 6a+ schoon, 6c vies. Yek!
6c (6c+) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2024-04-13
Voelt lastig aan voor 5c. Een plusje extra klopt beter denk ik. Twee lastige pasjes.
5+ (6a) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2024-04-13
The cleaning lady
Prima route.
5+ (6a) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2024-04-13
Morpho move
Niet morpho, wel blok. Kort of lang maakt hier echt niet uit. Kan zowel links van de haken of rechts van de haken geklommen worden. Na de boulder is het een makkie.
6b+ (6c) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2024-04-13
Peggy Rappelt
Harde start. Beetje warm en vreselijke zweethanden, dus lastig de graad te benoemen: 6c/+. Best aardige route! Had 'm eigenlijk een tijdje terug onsight, maar moest met de natte grepen en modder die er op lag bij de laatste pas blokken. De instappas is voor mij de crux. Leuke route.
6c+ Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-07-21
Red point
Red point
Leuke route met plateaus om op te rusten afgewisseld met steilere passages. 5a?
5 Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-07-21
't Terrasleggerke
Don't be put off by the dirty, broken and downright shitty start. Afterwards the climbing improves. The roof is the crux and, though improbable, really goes at 7a. Two very cool sequences in a row
7a Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-07-21
Red point
Red point
@ The End of Your Comfort Zone
After a broken intro both the rock and climbing improve. The crux is short and distinct. Not slipping of the slippery holds in relatively warm weather was my personal crux. 7a+ is probably the right grade, even though after a first try I thought it was a proper 7b.
7a+ Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-07-21
Red point
Red point
My Friends are Nuts
Heel erg overgewaardeerd. Zelfs zonder de spleet maximaal 5c. Een al al greep en tree. Apropos spleet: ik vermoed dat het pure feit dat hier een spleet zit schrik aanjaagt, met een te hoge moeilijkheidswaardering als gevolg. Spleetklimmen is een elementaire vorm van klimmen. Als je het niet kan of er angst voor hebt moet je niet de route opwaarderen, maar aan je eigen kunnen werken. Met Ettringen is er op niet al te grote afstand een perfecte locatie im dit te doen. Genoeg over de waardering: de route is mooi en had 3 maal zo lang mogen zijn.
5+ (6a+) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-07-16
Petite Madeleine
Short lived. No clue about the grade, since it was hot and slippery. 6b+ to 6c+.
6c Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-06-24
Quite nice route. The holds even have some friction, which is rare in Maizeret. Would not call it a detour per se at the roof. It's just left of the bolt and straight back right sequence with 3 smaller crimps. Good fun. A larger detour left towards the 7b is also possible, but thats skipping the hard climbing on this route.
6c+ (7a) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-06-24
't Kasseileggerke
Leuker en iets lastiger dan de linkervariant. Echter ook geen kingline...
5+ Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-06-24
Life begins ...
Mooi einde in de geul. De rest is zozo.
5 (5+) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2023-06-24
Alhambras port
7a Sport at Korpekullen
Supernice route of almost 35m. Hard finish though. Needs better cleaning/gluing. Still a lot of choss on and around the route. The climbing and setting are amazing!
7a+ (7a) Korpekullen Sport 2023-06-05
Red point
Red point
6b+ Sport at Korpekullen
Nice climb. Being tall helps :-)
6b+ Korpekullen Sport 2023-06-05
Shagga (L1)
6c Sport at Gule torsk
Quite tricky and hard for 6c. Cost me more trouble than the 7b extension.
6c+ (6c) Gule torsk Sport 2023-06-04
Shagga (L2)
7b Sport at Gule torsk
A hard 6c, a tricky overhanging corner, a chossy chimney, a ledge, a corner and an surprisingly easy roof. Deserves more traffic to clean up. Used to be 7c when first published, but easy 7b in reality.
7b Gule torsk Sport 2023-06-04
? (5)
7a Sport at Gule torsk
easy jug climb. Fun!
6c+ (7a) Gule torsk Sport 2023-06-04
? (2)
6b+ Sport at Gule torsk
6b+ Gule torsk Sport 2023-06-04
Shango (L1)
7b Sport at Gule torsk
Very, very cool slabclimbing on small edges. But its not pure slab, it's about finding the right way up on opposing holds and edges. The finale up the pillar (not to be underestimated) is great as well, and as a bonus clipping the anchor is easy.
7b Gule torsk Sport 2023-06-04
Rainy days
7c Sport at Skälefjäll
Really good powerfull climbing with an amazing traverse and a tricky end. Not my style as a weakling, but I loved it.
7c Skälefjäll Sport 2023-05-29
Red point
Red point
Climbed the route in the wet and covered in muck. Still quite a nice route. Can't really comment on the grade since the conditions were so shitty.
5 (5+) Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2022-10-01
Climbed the route in the wet and covered in muck. It was horribly slippery. Cant possible say something positive about it.
6b+ Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2022-10-01
Red point
Red point
d'JdeJ, direct start
Climbed the route in the wet and covered in muck. Felt horrible. Cant possible say something positive about it.
5+ Maizeret - Carrière de Gawday Sport 2022-10-01
7a Sport at Skälefjäll
Would be a lot nicer if the bolts were in different locations. ATM the clipping positions distract from the climbing e.g.: it's a little scary to lead. This leads to the route not being climbed which leads to it being dirty, and so forth.
7a+ (7a) Skälefjäll Sport 2022-08-30
Sofieke de schildpad
6a Sport at Olloy
Perfect hands from bottom till top with plenty footholds as a bonus. Rest your way up. Echt max. een 5-je vergeleken met spleetroutes elders. Jammen is een basale klimtechniek. Het is suf om een hoge moeilijkheidswaardering aan de route toe te kennen omdat klimmers hier hun klimtechniek niet op orde hebben. Zo werkt het niet.
5 (6a) Olloy Sport 2022-05-21
L'Idée Folle
Not the best route, a bit escapable. Well bolted. Take care with the loose flake in the easy starting route (to the right of the 4/5th bolt)
6b+ Rochers de Néviau (Dave) Sport 2022-04-12
La directe
Careful with the large flake to the right of bolt 4 and 5. It will come off easily. Someone should head up with a crowbar.
5 Rochers de Néviau (Dave) Sport 2022-04-12
Magic Fly
Very good route. Beware of the huge loose blocks between bolt 4 and 5 after the intermediate belay. They should be removed or secured. Contrary to what is written in the description the route does not finish at what most would see as the belay of the 7a/+ version of Les Globules but at the belay of La Nunez (which might also be considered the belay of the nobody-ever-does-it 7b extension of Globules).
7a Rochers de Néviau (Dave) Sport 2022-04-12
Red point
Red point
? Sport at Flône
Verrassend leuk. Ietwat spannend behaakt, maar alle H op juiste plek. Rond H2 en H3 crispy rots. Rest is prima. Duidelijke crux. Tweemaal erg mooie pied-a-main passage voor/na de crux. Circa 7a+/b. Doen, want nu schoon gepoetst. Nu alleen Dalle de Jupiller nog 😬. Was dit de eerste beklimming?
7b (?) Flône Sport 2022-04-10
FA Red point
FA Red point
La Nunez
Must do route. De klassieke 5+ waardering slaat nergens op. Dit is zeker een 6a+. Misschien zelf 6b. Om de stoere praat voor te zijn: dit zou ook in een klassieke route in de Dolomieten geen 5+ zijn. Been there, done that. Niks 5+. Basta.
5+ (6a+) Rochers de Néviau (Dave) Sport 2022-03-01
Roze Twingo
7b Sport at Awirs
A bolt has been added. Take care clipping the 3rd bolt - a (n almost) groundfall is still possible.
7a+ (7b) Awirs Sport 2021-06-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
King kong
7b+ Sport at Awirs
Bit humid and dirty today. Bouldery start which eases off after the first 2 bolts. Fun hold inbetween 2nd and 3rd bolt. Easy and fun finish on mostly solid handjams. Mayby 7a+ when clean and dry? A lot easier than Donkey Kong for me.
7b+ Awirs Sport 2021-06-09
Red point
Red point
Hatad och Motarbetad
6b+ Sport at Hallinden
6b+ Hallinden Sport 2019-08-25
6c+ Sport at Tullboden
Removed some loose flakes from the route and the start. 7a-ish.
6c+ Tullboden Sport 2018-08-11
Stäng grinden!
7b Sport at Viks Kile
Should have waited for cooler weather. Good route for an onsigth.
7b Viks Kile Sport 2018-08-03
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Viks Kile
7a Viks Kile Sport 2018-08-03
Mot högre höjder
7a+ Sport at Viks Kile
very cool route
7a+ Viks Kile Sport 2018-08-03
7a Sport at Skälefjäll
superb! Not easy at all. But a nice challenge.
7a Skälefjäll Sport 2018-08-02
Odon pitch 1
6c+ Sport at Skälefjäll
Hard to read crux. But it's a really fun move! Good route. Quite hard even for 7a.
7a (6c+) Skälefjäll Sport 2018-08-02
6c Sport at Viks Kile
nice and long
6c Viks Kile Sport 2018-07-03