The area is access sensitive

Access: Permit required!
Parking: The Pass
Walk: 30 - 45min
From the parking walk back down the road (behind the barrier) towards Agterpakhuis for 300m. At the cairn on the right, follow the trail down the slope and along a natural weakness in the rock bands. The cairned trail leads you down until you will eventually see a large rock tower.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email

The Place To Be

The area is access sensitive!

Access: Permit required!
Parking: The Pass
Walk: 30 - 45min
From the parking walk back down the road (behind the barrier) towards Agterpakhuis for 300m. At the cairn on the right, follow the trail down the slope and along a natural weakness in the rock bands. The cairned trail leads you down until you will eventually see a large rock tower.