The Dagger
The Dagger 1 / 2
  • Sit start under the southeast arete (to the right of the clean, vertical face), on an obvious right hand sidepull and with your left pinching just above it. Climb up, then left across the face using the arete and reaching for the other arete. Then straight up and out.
  • Stand start on the southwest arete (left of the clean, vertical face) with your left hand about shoulder height on a small sidepull in the vertical crack and right hand about hip height on a decent edge (you can choose from a couple without changing the grade). Move straight up and slightly left to hit a good crimp rail, and then cruise it to the top. Sit start is an open project.
The Dagger
The Dagger 2 / 2
  • Kind of crouching start on two side pulls about the same height on the arête at the bottom of the nice looking slab.