Eggedosis thumbnail
6C Boulder at Brattsteinen
Purkespranget thumbnail
7B Boulder at Brattsteinen
Den gyldne middelvei thumbnail
Vargtass thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Brattsteinen
På gjengrodde stier thumbnail
Hingsten thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Brattsteinen
Brattslabben thumbnail
5 Boulder at Brattsteinen
Dragon thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Brattsteinen
Gråtass thumbnail
6A Boulder at Brattsteinen
Den gyldne middelvei SS thumbnail
Eggedosis sit start thumbnail
Purkespranget direct thumbnail
På gjengrodde stier SS thumbnail
Geronimo thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Brattsteinen
Geronimo left thumbnail
Geronimo left
6A Boulder at Brattsteinen
Gromrisset thumbnail
4 Boulder at Brattsteinen
Mantleproblemet thumbnail
Diederet thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Brattsteinen

The area is access sensitive!

At the moment there are no access restrictions, and there is a good ralationship with the local landowner. However, this goodwill from the landowner come with some requests.
- The Rauma river is a reputed salmon river. To not disturb fishermen / fish please respect "no swimming / bading" in the period 1st of July - 15th of September.
- Hunting season: From 10th of September there are deer-hunting in the forest. No bouldering without permit from landowner. He can be contacted; +47 926 63 048

Activity at Skiri should (as always) be done with as little lasting impact to the environment as possible. Use already welltrodden paths. There are no toilet facilities in the area, please keep the area clean..

To get to Skiri:
- From Dombås: Follow E 136 direction Åndalsnes. You have reached Skiri after 83 km.
- From Åndalsnes: Follow E 136 direction Dombås. You have reached skiri after 23 km.

There is a parking area on the left side of the road (coming from Åndalsnes), 200 meter after passing the Skiri Gård.
The main sectors are reached from this parking.
- Skiri South (Nermoen): You must cross the road and railway by foot. The train will pass Skiri at high speed! You will se the gate across the road. Follow the path 150 meters to reach the main area at Skiri South.
- Skiri North (Øvermoen): From the parking, find the path leading into the forest. Be aware that some of the boulders in this area are close to the farmhouse.