
Fontanbø is the second largest bouldering spot in Bø, and offers a different style of climbing compared to other crags in the area. It has many routes in the easier grades, as well as some harder lines in the 7th grade. There are also some projects which might be around 7B-8A.

The climbing style in Fontanbø is balancy and technical, and often has tricky and slabby top outs. Thus, the crag has many Font-like qualities (hence the name), with smooth slabs, slopers, small foot holds and crimps. Some of the easier routes might be challenging for climbers way above that level.

Fontanbø has many high and proud lines, and is a must-visit for high ball lovers or slab enthusiasts. There are also easier routes, suitable for beginners. There are several classic lines here. Especially Hele sanningen (7A+/7B) and Sitting bull (6A+/6B) is worth a visit.

There is potential for a more lines in the area.

The crag is located only 9 minutes away from the village center of Bø by car, and the approach walk from the parking is only 5 minutes. Use the GPS-markings on the map to find the different sectors and boulders.

Many of the grades in this topo are not accurate, and we welcome you to give an honest grade suggestion when you tick rotes here.


Fontanbø was discovered some time around the mid 2000s by Erling Heggenes and Arild Mandfloen. They later developed the area together with a group of other climbers (V. Hjorthaug, O.K. Birkeland, T. Langseth, Lasse, S. Gjermundsen and Grunde Buen Jenset, among others). Shortly thereafter a topo was made by Grunde Buen Jenset.

The crag was almost completely forgotten for a long time, until the old topo resurfaced in the late 2010s. In the last few years the crag has gotten a few visits by climbers who have re-cleaned some of the lines.

Fontanbø has the potential to become a popular crag. We hope that more climbers will visit now that this topo is available on 27crags.

Routes on Fontanbø
59 boulder 7 Likes
Premium topo by Bøklatring
Martin Hagen Ring
from Norway
Kristoffer Løvvold
from Bø i Telemark
Jonas Breivik
from Norway