No special access issues

Coming from Belluno or Vittorio Veneto, follow the indication to Longarone. Reach the bridge over creek “Torrente Maè”, then drive for 550 meters and at the large crossroad keep the right and head to “Erto / Diga del Vajont”. Stay on the main road, exit Longarone and cross the bridge over river “Piave”. At the junction on the bend turn left towards “Erto / Diga del Vajont”. Keep driving on the main road and reach the dam of Vajont (about 6 km). Go through the last tunnel and after 400 meter you will find the car park of “Big” sector on the left (just after a bend). Keep driving for other 200 meters to find the two car parks of the “No Big” sector, one on the left and one on the right of the road.

The approach cannot be any shorter! From the car parks both sectors are clearly visible and evident short paths lead in 1 minute to the walls.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email