Dubbla militärkallingar thumbnail
Bamsiga baguetter thumbnail
Bamsiga baguetter
5+ Traditional at Svaväggen
Axellux thumbnail
5+ Traditional at Svaväggen
En möglig årgång thumbnail
En möglig årgång
6a Traditional at Svaväggen
Cabrones thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Svaväggen
Claes boulder thumbnail
Claes boulder
6c+ Traditional at Svaväggen
Putita de Noche thumbnail
Putita de Noche
6c Traditional at Svaväggen
Chulo thumbnail
4+ Traditional at Svaväggen
Göra kor thumbnail
Göra kor
5+ Traditional at Svaväggen
Frysta prinskorvar thumbnail
Frysta prinskorvar
5 Traditional at Svaväggen
Har du en mutter lös thumbnail
Har du en mutter lös
5 Partially bolted at Svaväggen
Payback thumbnail
5+ Sport at Svaväggen
Laidback thumbnail
5 Partially bolted at Svaväggen

The area is access sensitive!

It is absolutely forbidden for anyone to park along the road in the curve closest to the crag. The land owner have already pointed this out.

Directions: Take Route 222 towards Värmdö. Turn off towards Ingarö and follow Ingarövägen about 1.5 km. Then turn right onto Beatelundsvägen (sign Beatelund). Drive about 1.3 km to a left curve and downhill. Park in a gravel area at the side of the road, close to a road boom (but don't block the road boom!). Walk about 500 meters to a sharp right curve and meeting place. Go through a gate and follow some indistinct paths up the mountain and keep leftward up the hill if you want to locate the anchor and rig some toprope above Sidoväggen, or continue around the crag if you want to get there by foot. If you want to visit Svaväggen follow the path more to the right. The walk don't take more than five minutes. Parking is not allowed along the road where you enter the forest trough the little gate.

Public transport: Bus leaves from Slussen, for example. Buss stop; Beatelundsvägen. Then about thirty minutes walk to the crag.